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The Dating Chronicles


Kim closed Jake’s bedroom door quietly.  She didn’t want to wake Jake, who had fallen asleep on the couch watching the game.  She was tense with excitement as she realized the opportunity had finally arrived for her to snoop among his things. She had fallen in love with him but was very unsure of his feelings for her.

They had been dating for three months and she was especially interested in the daily journal she had accidentally overheard him discussing with his friend Jay.  She couldn’t wait to find it to see if her name was in it and to find out if he was seeing someone else, as she suspected.

She slowly slid open the drawer of the stand next to his bed, and the first thing she spotted was a journal.  She quickly flipped through the pages to the date they’d met three months ago.  Her heart stopped as she read the entry:

“Today, I met a woman named Kim at a party.  Pretty…but a real airhead.  Not the type to take home to Mom.  But a good arm-piece.  She’ll be something to do until Elayne gets back.  I hope I can take her ditziness until then.”

Kim took the journal and left it open on the couch next to Jake and slammed out the door.  She never spoke to him again.

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