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16 Quick Steps

To Better Living

by Bonita Bennett

  1. Check your discipline ratio. Learn how to spend more time on making yourself feel good about yourself and who you are. Consider your body as a treasure, and treat it as such
  2. Discriminate. Spend more time with people who are more like you in character than unlike you.
  3. Get It Done! Do that one thing you’ve been thinking about doing…finally.  Don’t put it off another day.
  4. Try something new. Be more courageous about doing things you’ve never done before. 
  5. Stand out.  At work, strive to be in the upper 1%.  If you need to… Move from mediocrity (doing just enough to get by) to the upper echelon…by doing superior work that makes you indispensable.
  6. Give more of you. Go in search of others who could use your help.  There’s a call out there for what you have to offer. Become an active contributor to the needs around you.
  7. Become Indelible. Incorporate kindness as an important part of your personality.  It pays off well and is a valuable asset.
  8. Lose your fear. Forego your pride. Learn to ask for what you want, need, or desire, and be bold about it.  The results will astound you.
  9. Don’t compare yourself.  Feel good about yourself, and others will be attracted by your confidence and drawn to you.
  10. Change your pattern of thinking.  Strive for excellence.  Be less critical of others and learn to take things less personally.
  11. Get rid of your cynicism.  Open your heart to the best, expect it, and you will receive it.
  12. Treat everyone special. The reward will be far greater than you can imagine.  No one forgets how you treat them and your good will boomerang back to you when you need it the most.
  13. Raise your personal standards.  Stop tolerating people or situations that cause you irritation or frustration. Demand quality in your life and accept nothing less!
  14. Focus!  Don’t be lulled into complacency by procrastination, disappointment, or fatigue.  If you fail one day, start all over again the next day, until you get where you want to be.
  15. Follow your gut.  Avoid people or situations that appear suspicious from a distance. Don’t let loneliness or boredom dictate your choices.
  16. Forgive.  Mend the fence with those you need to forgive. This action will open the floodgates in your life to prosperity, healing, and peace of mind.  Grudges can come back to haunt you.


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