Single Sketches
Things To
Never Do In A
by BS Staff
Marcel: “Don’t give away anything that you want for yourself.”
Carmelita: “Never ask a question that you really don’t want a truthful answer.”
AJ: “Never accept disrespect. Once respect is lost, it’s the hardest thing to regain.”
Maura: “Don’t accept what you don’t like. Express it and reject it.”
Lisa: “Don’t push someone to love you. It’ll never happen.”
Lanai: “Don’t be passive. Speak up when you’re uncomfortable.”
Kenny: “Don’t give up your freedom. Learn to have fun without him or her.”
Mia: “A woman should never compliment another woman’s boyfriend or husband on his appearance unless she compliments the woman as well.”
Don: “It’s not proper to bring a stranger to someone’s home without asking permission.”
Shari: “Never ask a man if he loves you. Let him tell you on his own…when he’s ready. It’s better when there’s no prompting from you and he says it on his own.”
Colette: “If you’re out with someone who you know you’ll never see again. Don’t fake an interest. Thank them for a great evening and wish them well. Never tell someone you’ll call if you have no intention of doing so. Those who give false hope will be given false hope.”
Cherrie: “Be kind to strangers. You never know when you might need help from one.”
Matt: “Only close the door on those relationships that need the door slammed. Always leave room for friendship. There is no better friend than someone who used to care about you.”