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Single Sketches

Etched Encounters

Theo: “The classic line I ever heard was when I walked in on my girlfriend snooping through the drawer in my bedroom, and she claimed that she was looking for something to sew for me, like an old sock.  I broke up with her soon after.  A woman who could lie so glibly was not the woman for me.”

 Lynn: “I was at a party when I began to return the stare of a handsome stranger across the room.  When he smiled, I smiled back, and the next thing I knew, a woman flew at me from out of nowhere and screamed at me to stop looking at her man.  I didn’t say a word.  I just stared at her as if she was crazy and put my hand slowly in my pocket.  The act was meant to intimidate her and it worked.  She kept cussing, but she backed off.”

Kyle: “I was dating four women when I met her in an ice cream shop, and within a week, I had dropped all of them to be with her.  After hooking up with her, I no longer needed a variety of female company.  She was all I needed.”

Gary: “At first I was dating her.  Then when we broke up I began dating her friend, whom I eventually married.  On the day of the wedding, my ex showed up at the church wearing a huge poster sign that read, “Gary Is A Registered Sex Offender And He’s Getting Married Today.”

Marci: “When my “best friend” ran into my ex-boyfriend after he dumped me, she asked him why. He began by stating that ‘she’s pretty, but…’ He went on to elaborate on my flaws and shortcomings, and she felt the need to “candidly” share them all with me with no display of sensitivity for my state of mind. When I dissed her for her actions, she accused me of being ungrateful for her loyalty. “

Sean: “It was our first date.  Her face was beautiful, and her smile was radiant, but her breath was disturbing. The funny thing was when I offered her a mint, after popping one in my mouth, she refused it.  The odor became so offensive that I ended up pretending to have a severe headache, and putting an end to the evening.”

Ivy:  “Last year, we met on September 1 and married on September 30th.  We knew on our first date that it was true love. On the second date, we acknowledged it to each other.  On the fourth date, he gave me an engagement ring, and on our sixth date, we picked out where we wanted to live.  Time is too short to be trying to figure things out.  Sometimes you just have to go with what feels right.”


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