12 Signs
You May Be
Depressed …
by Jan Pitts
Depression is a disease that strikes one out of four women, and it’s becoming more prevalent among women of color. Many are depressed and are unaware because they are functioning in a state that others deem normal. However, studies show that there are signs that may signal that you or a loved one is suffering from depression.
- Your television or radio is never off. You wake up to it, and you go to sleep by it. Sounds of life must be ever-present for the person who is functionally depressed. They are usually afraid to be in silence or alone with their own thoughts. Something must always be on…even in the car.
- You are prone to feel persecuted, victimized, or disregarded, with the slightest infraction or bump in the road.
- You are unhappy, but you pretend not to be.
- You cry at the drop of a hat, and you blame it on stress.
- You have a hard time filling the hours.
- You drag to work and feel released at quitting time.
- You don’t feel good physically…A lot.
- You either sleep a lot or can’t sleep at night.
- You have serious mood swings.
- Your personal hygiene habits are not what they used to be.
- If the Board of Health did bedroom inspections, you could be fined.
- You do everything in excess. Eat, drink, shop, etc.
- Every minute of the day must be filled with activity. You move ‘til you drop.
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you should seek professional help by calling The Crisis Hotline at 1-800-273-8255, where you can speak anonymously to staff there to help you or refer you. The important thing is to seek help so that the burden you carry around can be lifted, and your life can become normal. Ultimately, joy will appear and your load will be gone.