5 Things That
Make You Interesting…
by Lisa Laird
It is sometimes hard when getting to know someone on the dating scene, to find things to talk about that would prove to be interesting to the other party. Interesting people are usually good listeners, who respond with appropriate sounds that indicate they are good listeners who are attentive to what’s being said.
They ask questions that reveal a sincere interest rather than a selfish curiosity. They seldom speak of themselves in a complimentary manner or talk incessantly about what’s going on in their lives. They speak earnestly about what they feel and think and convey a concern for the other person and what’s going on with them.
Interesting people also have the good sense to end a conversation when it is no longer stimulating or interesting. That’s why chit-chat and gossip are such popular sports. Most times, people have run out of things to talk about when small talk becomes entertainment.
Here’s how to make your phone jump off the hook and your presence be in demand.
- Don’t bore anyone with all the details of your day. Only tell the interesting things.
- Don’t use the names of other people as scapegoats for what you really feel. Say what you think boldly and give yourself credit for it.
- Tune in to the interests, likes, and dislikes of other people and share theories, stories, thoughts, and ideas as they relate to problem-solving, advice, or humor. Everybody enjoys being around someone who’s a lot of fun. Use your wit.
- Don’t be a yes person. No one is really impressed with a person who agrees with everything said. If you have an opinion and it’s requested, state it. If you think someone is proposing to do something dumb, tell them. Don’t wait until it’s over and say, “I started to say something but….” The phone of the person with guts is always ringing.
- Be a source of wisdom, commonsense, affection, and truth. Ironically, though it does not appear to always be appreciated, truth is a preferred ingredient in any good relationship.