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How To Win Over

The Competition

by Coco Diong

Gloria  – “I was out on a first date with a guy who seemed to be a great catch. But when he kept flirting with the waitress, who happened to be very pretty, every time she came to the table, I excused myself and left the restaurant.  When he called later in an uproar about my disappearance, I calmly explained that I found his behavior rude, inappropriate, and unacceptable.  He sent me four dozen roses the next day with five apologies. That one incident set the tone for our relationship, and he became an ideal boyfriend and he is now an ideal husband.”

Lisa – “For the first two months of the relationship, I establish the groundwork for respect, by not dialing his number unless it’s imperative.  The competition is so great out here that a woman has to distinguish herself as a “prize”… and one, who must be treated like a princess, and I accept nothing short of royal treatment.”

Mia – “I start out by establishing a friendship, conducting an in-depth interview, to determine who he is, and setting ground rules as the need arises.  If he shows up without calling, I don’t answer the door.  If he flirts with my girlfriend, I drop him like a hot potato.  I accept only the best behavior and I make that plain.”

Sandy – “I accept no excuses for bad behavior.  If he disappoints me once, he’ll never get another chance, and I say that upfront, and I’ve never dated a guy who didn’t go all out to please me.”

Donna –“When a gorgeous guy, who I’d been dying to meet asked me out, I was terribly disappointed by the abrupt way he dropped me at home after I refused to go home with him.  The next day, I sent him a note complimenting him on his “classy behavior, along with my business card, with my number scratched out.  At the bottom of the note, I suggested he duplicate the action on his phone.  When he received the note, he called all day trying to reach me, and when he couldn’t, he sent me a dozen roses by a uniformed messenger.  Though I never went out with him again, I learned the importance of being intolerant of bad behavior.  I try to never suffer in relationships with men.  When I see the danger signs, I heed them and get out before the pain comes.in.”

Shelley – “My motto is…Keep your feelings to yourself until the wedding day.  I don’t care what he says.  Mystique will captivate a man’s attention for centuries.  Too many women tell him they love him, way before he’s even on the same page.  Men are too fickle to hear these words until they say them first.”

Kathy – “Mix a cool demeanor with a touch of sweetness and he’ll never leave your side.  My Motto:  Never let your need for him show unless you have a ring on your finger.”

Joan – “Always manage to fit him into a busy life.  Never let him see you sweat to be with him.”

Stephanie – “If you want love, don’t settle for just sex.  He can get that anywhere.  A woman has to be more than just a body and a thrill for the moment.”

Yvonne – “Speak your true thoughts softly and he’ll honor you for it.”

Marcie – “Don’t complain and stay in the line with the rest of the women and see where it gets you.  If he’s not pleasing you, find the courage to go to another line and wait for the kind of man who’ll treat you the way you want to be treated.  Believe me, he’ll follow you!”


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