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Single Scenarios


Compiled by Cheryl Lakes

Charise: “When I was married, I was afraid to leave my husband because I didn’t want anyone else to have him, though he treated me like trash in private and in public.  He slept with my best friend’s sister and bragged about it to me, in front of my family. I stayed with him because he took care of me financially. I finally left him when I came home and caught a naked woman under my bed.”

Zina: “My sister continues to be involved with a guy, who abuses her in public and she’s hoping to marry him. She’s afraid to leave him, because she doesn’t believe that anyone else would want her, and she isn’t alone. There are many women out there, who are afraid to be alone and will accept anyone to become someone’s bride. My ex-boyfriend used to berate me in public and I hung onto him tightly out of fear until he died.”

 Noah: “I just ended a relationship with a woman I didn’t really enjoy being with, but I almost married her.  I stuck around for over two years because she was extraordinarily pretty, and I enjoyed the attention I got when we were together.  She demanded my attention at all times, and she had no opinions of her own. I was bored out of my mind with her.  But I kept hoping she would change.”.

Gigi: “Six years ago, I wanted to be married so badly that I said yes to the first guy who asked.  I was 25 and ready to have children.  I married a man after only knowing him for two months, and he made my life a living hell.  He told me every day after the first month, that he made a mistake in marrying me.  But I couldn’t let go.  I was determined to make him lose his regret. We passed one another in the house as strangers and never consummated our marriage. But I hung on for dear life until he finally moved out.”

Dianna: “I married three different men and I lived to regret it.  From the age of 21, I lived to snag a husband and ended up picking the worst of the worst.  The first one was an unemployed “entrepreneur,” who was waiting on a big contract that never came.  He turned out to be mean and verbally abusive.  The second one married me after three months of courtship and was still married to someone else. The third guy sneaked away on the night of our wedding to rendezvous with an ex-girlfriend.”


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