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Single Sketches
Uncanny Occurrences

Charli: “After discovering my husband sexting on the phone with my best friend, I asked him to leave. Two weeks later, he begged me to forgive him and I let him move back in. Nine months later, he moved out while I was at work and moved in with her.”

Beth: “When my best friend moved out of state I called her ex-boyfriend and invited him out for a drink because I’ve always been attracted to him. He claimed to be flattered but said he didn’t think it was appropriate because of his past relationship with my best friend.  I was so embarrassed and I felt like an idiot for making the call.  But I felt worse when I learned later that he was dating her cousin.” 

Hal: “Two weeks before I was to marry, I met another woman who completely blew me away.  There was no question in my mind that it was true love at first sight, and I knew I could not go through with the wedding. But when I told my bride-to-be, she hit me in the head with an iron skillet. When I got out of the hospital, the woman I’d flipped over was dating my cousin.”

Tom: “I was out to dinner on a first date with a woman when one of her false eyelashes fell in her soup and she thought it was a bug. She screamed bloody murder and yelled for the waiter. She ran out of the restaurant when she discovered the truth.  I laughed for two days.”

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