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by Sarah Smart

Q.    My ex- girlfriend left me two years ago for my best friend.  She moved in with him, and two months ago, he put her out and married another woman.  Now, she’s back wanting me to take her in, and asking for forgiveness.  I still love her, but I don’t want to trust her again.  My problem is that I feel obligated to help her because she has nowhere to go.  What do you think?

A.    If helping her means somewhere other than living with you, I say do what you can.  However, if you’re thinking about having her bunk with you, I say, don’t.  Sounds like you’d be setting yourself up for hurt again.  Just remember, she didn’t come back to you voluntarily.  She was thrown back into your arms.

Q.  One of my college friends recently broke up with her boyfriend, and he has since asked me out.  I have always admired him from a distance, and she and I have never been close.  I want to go out with him, but my posse thinks it’s a backstabbing move because she was so crazy about the guy and didn’t end the relationship.  Do you think it’s OK?

A.     I think it’s not.

Q.    How can I tell my guy who I really like that he has a chronic body odor because he’s not as clean as he should be.  I really care about him and he has an huge ego.  I know if I said something it would end what we have.

A.     Mail him an anonymous note with a bar of soap, and tell him about the problem.  Sign it…a friend.  Maybe, he’ll get the message.

Got a problem or a confession?  We’ve got the answer.  Send us your scenarios regarding The Single Life to beingsinglemagazine@gmail.com and put SingleScenes in the subject line.

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