by Sarah Smart
Q. I recently discovered that my live-in boyfriend of five years had slept with a visiting cousin at my home. I’m more upset with my cousin than I am with my boyfriend because I believe she seduced him, and he was just being a man. I put her out and allowed him to stay because he begged my forgiveness. I feel she was in control of the situation and she violated me because we’re family. However, my family, including my parents, are very angry with me because of what I did. What do you think of my action?
A. I think they both violated you and your decision is based purely on your unwillingness to let go of the man. Obviously, she was more dispensable. I also find it ridiculous that you see her as the villain and him as the victim.
Q. My boss and I are very close, and he confides in me often. He is currently having marital problems and suspects that his wife is cheating on him. His wife also works with us and I happen to know that she is seeing another guy on the job. I want to tell him, but I’m being advised not to because I have unexpressed feelings for him. What do you say?
A. I say, mind your own business and continue to be a good listener only. Even if you didn’t have feelings for him, it’s not your place and it’s never smart to be a tattler.
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