The Dating Chronicles
Bill was on his phone as usual bragging about Toni to his friend Brad. He and Toni had been dating for five months and though he really liked her, and was proud to be with her, he considered her high maintenance.
She was beautiful, yet distrustful, suspicious, and too demanding of his affections. She insisted they hold hands in public, kiss in elevators, and talk every night before they went to bed.
He knew she was in love, but that was the farthest thing from his mind. When they began dating, however, Bill became monogamous for the first time since his divorce three years ago. To his surprise, he dropped all the “fly girls” for a woman who slept in flannel pajamas.
As he sat waiting for her to come over, he wondered how he had gotten so involved with someone who had yet to cook him a meal. And lately, her constant demand for love and togetherness had become overbearing
He decided he would end it that weekend and get his freedom back. He realized he had given in to her demand to come over, because it was a Saturday night, and he didn’t want her to think he could possibly be entertaining someone else. However, when the doorbell rang an hour later, and Toni bounced across the threshold with that magnificent smile, wearing that hypnotic scent that always clung to his nostrils long after she was gone, he changed his mind.
He was so overwhelmed by her spirited entrance that he decided to put off ending the relationship to a later date. He wasn’t sure of what he was feeling, but he knew for the moment he was enchanted, and he wasn’t ready to let her go.