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The Dating Chronicles

Happiness Deferred

Val was happy to be out with Don. It was loud and noisy as they pushed through the crowd.  Val held tight to Don’s hand as they looked for a table.  She didn’t spot Johnny until she sat down.  And then there he was, out on the dance floor oblivious to her and his surroundings – enjoying himself as only Johnny could….happy, carefree, and outgoing.

At first, she was embarrassed, because she was out with another man and she had canceled their date.  But as she watched him dance in his usual awkward style, she suddenly felt relieved.  Maybe it’s for the best..she thought to herself.  He’s a nice guy, but he’s just too slow for me.  She looked over at Don, who was charming the waitress with his wit.  His stylish dress and swagger had pushed Johnny way in the background.  She smiled at him.  This is my kind of man….strong, self-assured, and knows his way around, she thought to herself.

She glanced up again at the dance floor and Johnny was gone.  She scanned the room, but she didn’t see him.  Maybe he’s gone…if so, it’s for the best, I really wouldn’t want to hurt him unnecessarily, after all, he loves and worships me.  I only regret that I can’t return his love.

She turned her thoughts back to Don.  This was her first time out with him in public and she was proud to be seen with him.  He was so handsome and obviously very popular. As she sat smiling at him across the table, he began waving to someone across the room.  I love a popular man… she thought, as he stood to leave.  “Val, I’ll be right back, I see an old friend.  I ordered something special for you.  It’ll should be here shortly.”

When he walked away, she closed her eyes and pinched herself with joy.  After he was gone for a while, she decided to go to the ladies’ room to apply fresh lipstick.  She didn’t want a thing out of place when Don came back to the table.

As she neared the door to the ladies’ room, she spotted Johnny again, but this time, he did not appear awkward at all as he stood hovering over a very pretty woman looking down on her.  Val’s nostrils flared as she stormed off to find Don.  She was unnerved and angry, but she didn’t know why.  Suddenly, she was ready to go.  There were other places just as nice, where she didn’t have to bump heads with Johnny.  She was glad he hadn’t seen her.

As she walked in the direction she’d seen Don head in, she suddenly experienced a foreboding feeling.  Go back…go back to the table, a voice inside her whispered…go back.  But she didn’t heed the feeling as she plowed through the crowd in fervent search.  Then she saw him.

There he stood, smooth as ever, talking to another woman stroking her hair and face as if he was about to kiss her. Val turned slowly and headed toward the door.  She’d had enough for one night.  She thought about finding Johnny and asking him to take her home…but thought better of it.  She never heard from Don again and she broke it off with Johnny.

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