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The Dating Chronicles

The Sighting

Shay rushed blindly into the crowd, tears streaming heavily down her face.  She had just witnessed her boyfriend coming out of a downtown hotel holding the hand of the most gorgeous girl while kissing her lightly on the cheek as he flagged a cab.  

Her thoughts ran wildly for some explanation.  How could he…why would he…after confessing his love for her?  

Later, she stumbled through the door of her apartment and fell across the bed.  She lay there softly whimpering as tidal waves of self-pity swept over her.

She tried to collect her thoughts, but it was hard.  She reached for the phone to demand his exit from her life, but she thought better of it. “Why should I give him the satisfaction of knowing how he affects me,” she thought to herself. “I’ll wait until my anger and hurt have subsided and I can speak in a rational manner,” she resolved.

The phone rang, and she saw it was him.  She struggled to muster up a “busy” voice before answering.

“Hello…Shay, I’m glad I caught you.  My sister is here unexpectedly from Toledo and I want you to meet her, baby.  We’ll be over shortly.”

 Shay stood stunned with mixed emotions.  “Okay, I’ll be here”, she replied in a small whisper.    When she ended the call, she shuddered at the possibility of it not being the same girl she saw him with.   She prayed it was.


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