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Dating Data

Evasive Exits

Can They Be Avoided?

by Cheryl Lakes

As it happens…often in the World of Dating, lovers are suddenly “dropped” for no apparent reason and the length of the relationship doesn’t seem to have an impact on the action. Unfortunately, this action can sometimes be devastating, particularly when no reasonable explanation is given and seldom is there.

It is known that few of us wish to face an individual either on the phone or in person and tell them why we can no longer indulge in their company. So, because we’ve received so much mail on this subject, we decided to share some of the reasons singles have ended past relationships without giving a true explanation. See if you can relate.

The Women:

Cara: “He liked to talk, so much so, that I couldn’t pry a word in.   He could go on and on without ever coming up for air. Everything was about him and he had no interest in who I was or what I was doing.”

Natalie: “He was too moody.  He bragged constantly on himself, his family, who he knew, and where he’d been…or he didn’t talk at all.  He was a lot of work and trying to keep him entertained became a burden.”

Iris: “He was just too cheap.  He’d parked eight blocks from a venue to escape the cost of the parking lot. He would always question the validity of the price of everything before he purchased it including chewing gum.”

Lila: “I never trusted him and I was never confident that he felt for me what he said he felt.”

Donna: “He had the worst manners. He never introduced me when we encountered his friends in public and he would pull off as soon as I closed his car door.  His character eroded his good looks.”

Victoria: “He had an identity problem.  He cringed and complained when others spoke in black dialect in his presence. He didn’t know who he was, and his personality didn’t motivate me to help him find out.”

Kandace: “With him, I felt like the stronger sex.  He was just too passive. Whenever we went out, he would accept poor service and poor seats.  I always had to be the assertive one in public and in private.”

The Men

Ron: “She couldn’t teach me anything. The only thing I could learn from her was how to shop.”

Kurt: “She referred too much to her past relationships through comparison and complaining.”

Brett: “She was too pushy.  She came on too strong. She called me constantly for attention and commitment.”

Anthony: “She was too much into pretending to be who she was not.”

Mike: “She was pretty, but her conversation was totally void of relevancy. Any discussion outside of romance was boring to her. She was so shallow. She didn’t understand that I needed more than a woman who was just fine.”

Aaron: “Hygiene was not her strong suit. Her house was a mess, and her car was a mess.”

Simon: “She was just too vain!  Nothing came between her hair, her nails, and her clothes. All activities were centered around her beauty plans. She was no fun to be with. I find that women who are not super focused on their appearance are indeed the most attractive.”

Mark: “She was too possessive.  She demanded to know the nature of  the  relationship of every woman I spoke to in her presence.”

Rick: “She was too accommodating!  She made everything too easy and therefore left nothing to the imagination.  She would do anything to keep me around and I became bored.”

Tony: “She was an uninformed chatterbox who embarrassed me often in public. For some reason, she was trying to appear smart, but she usually ended up making us both look like idiots.”

Edward: “She was ungrateful.  If I took her to a play and we ended up in the balcony, instead of the main floor, she made me feel cheap through nasty hints and jokes.”

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