From The Male Room
The Love Busters
by K.M. Sinclair
Carla was perplexed. She hadn’t heard from Bill in a week, and she couldn’t reach him by phone. The last time they were together, he’d received an emergency phone call and had to leave her best friend’s birthday party. They had been together for four weeks and they seemed to be getting along well. She wracked her brain trying to figure out why he suddenly disappeared, but she couldn’t think of anything that made sense.
Many women often wonder why after a few dates with that hoped-for dream guy, he suddenly disappears into the sunset, without word or explanation. In the beginning, getting together is filled with excitement and anticipation of what’s to come…then suddenly the phone stops ringing and he’s unavailable. Why? It could be for many reasons, but here are examples of behavior that some men claim send them in another direction.
The Clinger – She becomes glued to a man shortly after the onset of the relationship. When they’re out, he cannot move without her. She is usually afraid of him giving anyone else his attention, and it shows.
The Commander: She’s in charge of the relationship. She’s on the phone regularly wanting to know what’s he doing, when is he coming over, and why she hasn’t heard from him. She prefers everything to go her way and she’s very vocal about it.
The Sleeper – She’s a bore. She has limited conversation and a dull perspective on life. She wants the guy to do everything including giving her something to talk about.
These are but a few of the reasons why the behavior of some men is often considered puzzling by the women in their lives. Because of the prevalence of these characteristics among women, many feel forced to move on in search of a woman who is void of these traits.