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Dating Data:
Devils In Disguise

by Dani Stone

For those who have been deceived, tricked, and bamboozled by the outward appearances of lovers, potentially or otherwise…know that you are not alone.

Dana:  “When I met my husband-to-be, he was in church singing in the choir, and was the most eligible bachelor in the church.  He had what everyone called “a holy nature,” and I was certain that God had finally smiled on me.  However, two weeks after we “cut the cake” in front of hundreds of well-wishers, I caught him in our bed with one of the choir members when I came home from work unexpectedly.”

Fiona:  “I used to work with a guy who I admired because he was not only good-looking but very polite and affable.  I flirted with him at every opportunity, but he never flirted back.  Then one day out of the blue, he asked me out, and I hopped at the chance.  We went to dinner and afterward, he invited me to his place for drinks.  But when he closed the door of his apartment, he suddenly changed into a monster and demanded sex.  When I refused, he beat and choked me and threw me out in the hallway.  I was beaten so badly that I had to be hospitalized.  Later, when he was arrested, he claimed self-defense.”

Dave:  “For two years, I watched my friend fall in love with one of the most mild-mannered women I’d ever met.  She was a policewoman and was as cool as a cucumber under fire.  He had always been very popular with women before he met her, and the women still chased him even after he became engaged.  However, when she walked up on him at work sitting in the car with an ex-girlfriend two days before the wedding, she pistol-whipped him in front of his co-workers.   Though he was bleeding profusely when the police arrived, he refused to press charges.  To everyone’s shock, he went through with the wedding.”

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