14 Ways To Be More Interesting…

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14 Ways To© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporation Be

More Interesting…

by M.K. Allison

1.    If you don’t already know, learn how to swim.  It’s never too late.

2.    Create a self-image of a real man/woman and what he/she should be about and try to bring it into manifestation on a daily basis.  Be someone to look up to.

3.    Don’t think ordinary.  Enjoy the excitement of going outside the box.

4.    Be less concerned about exposing yourself emotionally to someone you really care about, and less flattering or accommodating to someone you don’t.

5.    When necessary, make it a practice to tell the truth no matter what it may cost you.

6.    Don’t use anyone, unless you are prepared to be used.

7.    Make it known that you submit yourself and your decisions to a Higher Power.

8.    Confess only what needs to be confessed.  Project an air of mystery.

9.    Don’t spend ridiculous amounts of money on designer labels to enhance your image to others. No one really cares. Your character is what stays in the memory bank…not what you wear or own.

10.  In relationships, don’t go along for the ride, hanging your head out the window and complain all while you’re riding.

11.  Don’t tell anyone something that you really don’t want them to know. If you can’t think of an answer to a question that imposes, just say, “I don’t wish to answer that.”

12.  Don’t cry or complain more than once about the same problem to anyone.

13.   Only give your trust to one who has proven to be trustworthy.

14.   Speak up when you need to and use silence as a non-verbal ally.

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