The Dating Chronicles
The Ride
Tom and Tamara first met at the top of a Ferris wheel. She had been alone in line when boarding the ride at a local amusement park when the ride operator suggested she jump into the empty seat next to Tom, who was also riding alone. When she noticed how handsome he was, she stumbled getting into the car. Suddenly, she felt awkward being there alone.
No words were spoken between them until they reached the very top of the ride, and it abruptly got stuck in mid-air. He spoke first, as he mused about how long it would take it before they would be moving again. She liked his voice. Nervously, she shyly expressed hope that it would be soon. Forty-five minutes later, they were still stuck but engaged in animated talk while discovering they had a lot in common.
Ironically, they had both gone to the park to nurse a broken heart and had found each other. When the ride was finally fixed, they laughed in relief and was convinced that Fate had brought them together. They ended up spending the rest of the day at the park together, and eight months later, he proposed to her on that same Ferris wheel.
The Outing
Mark had been watching her, and he could tell she was watching him. She was beautiful in a white dress that flowed behind her as she walked through the party. She had been walking back and forth by him for the last hour. The room was full and the crowd was eclectic. As Mark scanned the packed dance floor, he was reminded of how long it had been since he’d been out. He used to love to dance, but he hadn’t danced since the accident. He had come out only because it was his best friend Bill’s birthday party. Since his injury, he had hid in the house away from the stares and questions, and learned to content himself with being alone.
The Decision
Merri sat quietly and stared at her phone. Her mind drifted slowly to the night before and the man she had met at the club. He was a mighty vision to behold. He was quiet, yet self-assured and had appealed to her instantly. He spoke softly in her ear as he held her hand when he talked, and his cologne still lingered in the air when he left her. The noise in the room had been deafening, but she had heard every word he said. MORE
The Choice
Mark had divided his time between two women for the last three years and now he was ready to change directions. His romantic generosity had gone undetected, because both women existed on two different sides of the “social” tracks. Liz was a popular socialite who worked to travel in all the “right” circles. While Lisa spent her time waiting for Mark and competing in obscure bowling alleys. Lately, he had been thinking about getting married and was having a hard time making a decision, because he loved both women. However, after much deliberation, he decided that of the two, Lisa was the best choice. She was more submissive, sensible and even-tempered. In contrast, Liz was fiercely independent, temperamental and unpredictable. MORE
The Match
Jodi stood silently, watching him and avoiding the chatter around her. She had been watching him now for over two months. She didn’t know his name, but in her heart, she had claimed him as her own. He stood now on the court, with the poise of a prince with his hand raised, blocking the sun from his eyes. She watched as he took strong command of the game, as he hit the ball hard with his racquet. She looked around the crowd at the other women. They too, were entranced. He was indeed a beautiful sight to behold. MORE
The Dinner
Kay was suspicious. She knew her best friend Ellen was up to her old tricks again, and she wasn’t about to fall for it. Ellen had been lobbying for Kay to pay attention to her brother Ed the last four years. He had always liked her, but Ed was just not her type. Though she was tired of being alone, she wasn’t desperate. MORE
The Secret
Meryl had been listening to Jake and the stories from his “love archives” for years. She had been his friend and confidante since they were teenagers. And she’d always loved him without him knowing it. She had stood with him through two divorces, a “fatal attraction” and a six week stay in the hospital. And through it all, he had failed to see the stars in her eyes that shined only for him. The women came and went and Jake shared their shortcomings with Meryl, and she learned bit by bit what pleased him.
A Second Look
This was their second date, and Ann was trying her best to like him. She had almost given up on men altogether after the last two guys she’d gone out with. Both had been good-looking and basically nice, but both disappointed her. One promised to call the next day after the first date and she had never heard from him again. The other made a second date with her, but never showed up or called. She had gotten so paranoid after those experiences, that when this guy called two days after their first date, she thought he was a salesperson. However, she had not been impressed after he got in the car and left her standing in the cold, while he reached over and unlocked the door. MORE
The Search
Jake was starting to feel frustrated and exhausted. He had been dating several women for the past few weeks, in hopes of replacing Kim, but he was having no luck. He found fault with everyone he took out, including the one last night. He’d had high hopes for her. The evening had been splendid until she got to her door and blew it. She, unknowingly, asked the one question that always succeeded in perturbing him. “when will I see you again?” Masking his resentment, he gave his standard reply, “I’ll call you.” He couldn’t stand women who couldn’t hide their anxiousness for romance. MORE
The Schemer
Philip was a handsome man with an air of confidence that most women found intriguing. He had charm, good manners, and a “success” aura that served as a magnet for women. But Philip’s appearance was deceiving, for behind the designer suits, luxury car and expensive dinners, stood a guy with a purpose that preyed on loneliness. As soon as he chose a “victim” he pretended to be swept up in a love that had been too long in coming. And as the opportunity presented itself, he’d strike with one of his “money schemes.” He would speak sincerely of marriage, financial security and inevitably…investing. MORE
Laura closed the door and leaned her back against it. She closed her eyes in contentment as her heart raced with excitement. She had just experienced a wonderful blind date with a guy she had met through a co-worker and she was breathless. Her roommate Kate stared at her from across the room. “Was it that good?” She asked with an impish grin. “Yes,” Laura replied excitedly. “It was the best time I’ve had in a long time. He was gentle, well-read and gorgeous.” MORE
The Watcher
While attending a wedding reception with friends, Marianne was asked to dance, by a guy who had been receiving a lot of whispered ridicule at her table because he was extremely overweight. He had asked all of the women at the table to dance, but all had refused except Marianne. Marianne never participated in such unkind behavior, and seized the opportunity as a way to voice her disapproval. She smiled and accepted his hand while her friends all sat there with their mouths open. When she came back, she ignored their comments and accused them all of being snobs. MORE
Brief Encounter
She had initially caught Gene’s eye because she sat alone at the bar, fiddling for over an hour with a tall drink that had not declined in volume. Her eyes were fastened on the door as she clutched the glass with long bright nails. Though heavily made up, her plainness still found its way through the paint on her face. A blind man could see she was there to meet a man. Whenever the doors opened and a man came through who suited her tastes, she’d move quickly and hand him a card with a smile that offered an invitation to talk. MORE
Answered Prayer
Jamie was feeling very lonely and defeated the day she accidentally bumped into a gorgeous stranger on a street corner in downtown Manhattan running to catch a train. She had just uttered a prayer asking God to send her the man of her dreams, because it was her birthday, and all she had to look forward to was a boring evening in front of the television alone. MORE
Two Tales In The City
Al and Roxanne met at an ice cream parlor. She was ordering a chocolate sundae and he offered to pay for it. They exchanged numbers and he called the next day. They began dating heavily and were inseparable for three months. Then Roxanne met someone else whom she deemed more exciting than Al and began dodging Al’s phone calls. It ended when he followed her one night to a popular nightclub and caught her with the other guy. He shot them both. The man survived, but she didn’t. MORE
Sheryl was leaving the theater one night with friends when she spotted her boyfriend Chris coming out of the same theater holding hands with another woman. She was devastated and wished she could just turn and run, but she couldn’t. She had spoken to Chris earlier hat evening, and he claimed to be sick in bed with the flu. She approached Chris from behind, and tapped him on the shoulder. Chris spun around, looked into Sheryl’s face and let out a deep sigh. MORE
The Other Side
Of Chance…
Kelly had been planning for this event for the last two months. Her dress had been especially designed for the occasion and between her hairstylist and the mirror, she had spent seven hours preparing for this big night. She had hoped that by the time this party rolled around, she would have a date to escort her, but she didn’t. She glanced at her friend Nan sitting beside her in the car, also going alone to the biggest party of the year. She hated going out with women, because she didn’t like to compete for male attention, but she didn’t want to go alone. As they got out of the car, she knew Nan would probably not dance all evening because guys didn’t usually gravitate to her. MORE
The Encounter
The restaurant had dim lighting, but Mitch recognized her from forty feet away. He hadn’t seen her in two years, and there she sat with another man engaged in giggly chatter. From across the room, he studied them. She looked much better now than before. Her hair was stylish and her clothes were fashionable. As he struggled to maintain the mood at his own table, he recalled their breakup and how she begged him to reconsider his decision to leave her. She had stood in the door of their apartment to prevent him from leaving, but he had pushed out of the way. Her last words had been, “I’ll never love another man.” MORE
Love At First Sight…
Barbara and Len met at a red traffic light. After flirting at four traffic lights with their cars side by side, Len finally convinced Barbara to pull over. They exchanged numbers and when Len hadn’t called by the second week, Barbara took the initiative and called him. They ended up meeting for lunch and spending the whole day together.
A Matter
Of Trust
Darlene knew she was being ridiculous, but she couldn’t help herself. No woman in her right mind would do such a thing, she thought to herself, as she drove frantically through the streets. Earlier, her boyfriend Larry called to say he was going out of town on business. Fear gripped her heart when she hung up the phone. She wondered silently if she was losing him and she remembered the words of her best friend, Cindy. “You cannot lose what belongs to you.” However, anxiety rocked her bed nightly as she tossed and turned in a sea of nightmares and suspicions. MORE
How They Met…
Shari and Frank first met in a long lottery line, and by the time they got to the cashier, they had made a date for lunch the next day. They agreed to meet at a local restaurant, but Frank didn’t show up. Shari was disappointed, but unfazed. One year later, she ran into Frank in the same lottery line again, and pretended not to see him. MORE
Gil was out in the crowd, but he didn’t want to be. As he looked around the club, he saw all the vacant familiar faces of those, like himself, who didn’t have anything better to do. The loud music was not helping to drown out his misery. He was despondent over the news about Cindy. Cindy, who had been in his life for the last five years, had gotten married the day before, and he hadn’t been to sleep since he’d heard the news. Unfortunately, his love for Phyllis had kept him from making a commitment to Cindy. MORE
A Cinderella Story
Glenn was a handsome high-powered attorney, moving in the fast lane of life, when he first spotted Rachel. Since his divorce, Glenn was seen regularly with models and aspiring actresses on his arm whenever he strolled into the fabulous parties where the who’s who gathered regularly. Rachel was a waitress/cook who worked in the local coffee shop where Glenn stopped every morning for breakfast. As he watched Rachel saunter between tables with a radiant smile, he was a reluctant admirer. MORE
The Split
Jan had experienced another wonderful evening with Sebastian, It was their second date. They were riding home and Jan was silent as the music provided a soothing background to her thoughts. She really liked him, and she was certain he liked her. She wondered if he was seeing anyone else. Her last “romance” had ended because the guy was also dating another woman and failing at trying to split his time between the two. She didn’t want to go through that scenario again. Prior to this night, she had been too afraid to ask. MORE
Margo stared silently into the darkness of her bedroom as her thoughts divided themselves sanity and insanity. She and Carl had been a couple for over three years. Yet, though they were together, she was uncomfortable. She knew he dated other women because he was upfront about it. She often lay awake at night wondering what he was doing when he wasn’t with her. She hated her status as his girlfriend, because it gave her no rights. She couldn’t question him at will about his whereabouts, or expect him to be monogamous and not date other women. There was no real commitment from him, and she resented her attachment to him, and his attitude towards her. MORE
It was a Friday night and Carla was in no hurry to go home. She decided to stop and eat at a small restaurant on the beach, where she loved the food and to sit at a table near the window. She wanted to people-watch and there was no better seat in the house. It was a warm summer night and as she sat watching couples go by holding hands, she wished she was walking on the beach in the balmy air. She imagined herself strolling along with a special someone, but there hadn’t been anyone in awhile. When Sam entered the restaurant ten minutes later and sat down, he immediately loosened his tie. It had also been a long day for him and he was in no hurry to head home to an empty apartment.
Blind Date…
Brett was trying not to look bored, but she was about to go to sleep over dessert. She had been listening to her date Tony expound on his accomplishments, his importance at the office and all the prominent people he knew. This was their first date, but the fourth blind date for Brett this month. She had been a social recluse since her divorce eight months ago, but after much coaxing by well-meaning friends she had consented to try the dating scene again, with their help. MORE
The Back 
Out Plan
Jan knew Tom had something to tell her as they sat facing each other in the restaurant, and she could tell it was not good news. While Tom squirmed in his seat trying to avoid the love in her eyes, he began to feel foolish and confused. He had asked her to dinner to tell her that he loved another woman, and to end their four year relationship. However, the words became lodged in his throat. He was ready to move on, but he couldn’t find the words. As the silence continued, his courage failed him. He knew he couldn’t fool Jan. He never could. And now as he faced her, he was no longer sure of his feelings for someone else. MORE
Two Sides
Rod had seen her when she entered the room, but he looked away. He had come in hopes that she might be there. It was an annual party she never missed, but he was unprepared for the large lump that came up in his throat and the soft punch that dropped in his stomach. His hands shook as he walked toward the bar. She was talking to another woman. He relaxed from the inside, as he watched her greet others warmly. MORE
The Talk
Brent had guessed long ago that his co-worker Carla liked him, but he had chosen not to acknowledge it. She didn’t appeal to him in any way, and he worked hard to discourage what he viewed as subtle flirtations. However, he would have never imagined that she’d have the guts to ask him out to dinner, though they had been working together for over four years. MORE
It had been a long day and Chuck was exhausted as he leaned against the door of his apartment. He struggled to find the key, and he wished again he had an alternative to the decision he had to make. He wanted his live-in girlfriend Lyn to move out, and he didn’t know how to tell her. MORE
The Fixer
Glenda was being the perfect hostess. Though, she wasn’t dating anyone at the moment, she enjoyed throwing parties to hook up her friends up with potential love-mates, and this night she was busier than usual. Some had met and jelled, while others were still sorting it out. Meanwhile, her friend Jeanie was complaining loudly about Glenda’s choice for her. However, when the doorbell rang, a handsome stranger named Peter, invited by a friend, came through the door and walked into Glenda’s heart and Jeanie’s arms. MORE
The Ultimate
Blind Date
Alan and Elaine met while visiting a mutual friend in the hospital. Elaine was impressed the moment she laid eyes on him. He was the best looking guy she’d seen in a long time. They had been engaged in talk and laughter for more than thirty minutes, before she realized he was blind. Her heart fell when he stood up and reached for a cane next to his chair. Her shock and disappointment was evident in her voice, when he made the sudden announcement that he had to go. She was surprised when a very striking woman walked through the door and wrapped her arms around Alan’s neck. MORE
Terry pretended to be deeply engrossed in a contract on his desk. He had heard the women coming down the corridor…the usual group who passed his door daily with admiring glances and girlish chatter. He was the new guy in the office and was the talk of the company because he was single, handsome and aloof. At work, he had no desire to participate in frivolous camaraderie. He would smile politely when confronted with a flirtatious smile and keep moving without uttering a word. He viewed most of the women at the office as being more concerned with having a man than a steady paycheck. He also had a strict personal rule about mixing business with pleasure. MORE
When Brad’s phone rang and he answered it, Carol was in his kitchen cooking his favorite meal. She was also reveling in the fact that she didn’t have the same problems her other girlfriends had with the men in their lives. She knew Brad loved her and she trusted him implicitly. When she was over his house and the phone rang, she didn’t flinch in nervous suspicion like her friend, Candy. She laughed out loud as she thought about her and how she would have stopped cooking to go stand at the door to eavesdrop on her boyfriend Sam. Carol knew she didn’t have to worry about Brad because she knew Brad was thrilled to be with her, because of what she brought to the table. She was not only a woman of means, but she was attractive and knew how to treat a man. MORE
The Surprise
Gena was sorry she had answered the door when she saw Shawn standing there. Her friend Shawn had stopped by unexpectedly to visit and Gena was expecting her boyfriend, Nate. She didn’t want Shawn there and she didn’t know how to get rid of her. They hadn’t spoken in three months, because of a serious disagreement, and now Shawn was coming over to apologize. It wasn’t that Gena was concerned about being alone with her boyfriend. Her problem was that Shawn was beautiful and she was convinced that Shawn would distract his attention from her. MORE
And The
Winner Is…
Sam was home and in his usual state of bewilderment. He was in the mood for female company, but he couldn’t make up his mind about who he wanted to be with. It was the weekend and his phone rang intermittently throughout the day, but he hadn’t answered it. He knew at least two of the callers were Sheryl, but he had grown tired of her, and Amy, whose pleas to get married had fallen on deaf ears. He thought about calling Stacy, but changed his mind. They had been dating off and on for over two years, but Stacy’s weight and size had always plagued him. Yet, she was the most exciting of all the women he dated. As his mind fought the urge to call her, he thought of the many times he’d been embarrassed to be seen out with her, because she was the opposite of his ideal. MORE
Beyond Words
Joe wasn’t good with words or women. When he did speak, he usually said yes, when he should have said no. In his world, women held the power and it was common for him to do whatever was required to gain favor for the moment. For every woman he had ever known, he was there when no one was there and he cared when no one else cared. He knew that his time only came with them when there was no one else around to compete for their affection. MORE
A Change 
Of Taste
Mark couldn’t make up his mind, as he stood watching the table where five women sat engaged in animated chatter, laughing in sync with the comedian’s jokes. From across the room, he did his usual calculations, as he considered them all, in his search for one. He could tell that the least attractive one was the most approachable. She was looking around the room, smiling at men only. The prettiest one had a distinct air that signaled to all men of generic status that they had to be name brand to approach her. She had what he called “a snob shield.” MORE
The Wrong
June 28, 2018
Tom was suspicious, but he didn’t say anything. He had met Donna shortly after his divorce. His experience with marriage had been a bad one and the pain of betrayal had driven him to bury his emotions so deep as to never see light again. Then he met Donna, whose spirit wiggled its way into the caverns of his heart and he was again a slave to love and all it called for. MORE
The Perfect Exit
June 26, 2018
Sandy was trying not to look bored, but she was about to go to sleep over candlelight. She had been listening to her date expound about his accomplishments, his importance in the community and his many admirers. She shook her head in sad regret, when he asked the waiter if he had ever heard of him. This was their first date, and Sandy’s fourth blind date in a row. She had been a social recluse since a bad breakup eight months before, but had decided to try the dating scene again with the insistence of friends. MORE
The Party
June 21, 2018
Rod had seen Donna when she entered the party. He had come in hopes that she might be there. It was an annual party that she never missed, but he was unprepared for the large lump that came up in his throat and the soft punch that dropped in his stomach. His hands shook as he walked toward the bar. She was talking to another woman. He relaxed from the inside as he watched her greet others warmly. MORE
The Ring
June 15, 2018
Mel stood quietly listening at the door. There was no sound coming from the other side. He knocked again for the last time and turned away angry. Angie had done it t again. She had promised to wait for him, but she had not. As he started down the stairs with his head bent in disgust. He fingered the ring box in his pocket and made a decision to return it. Suddenly he felt defeated. He was tired of the chase and the uncertainty in the relationship with Angie, and he wanted out. He had come that night to ask her to be his wife, in an effort to lay claim and to tame her. His intent was to capture her and to ensure at last that she would belong to him.
The Case 
Of The Box
June 11, 2018
Robin had heard about the box. Her friend Sandra knew a girl whom Bill had dated before and she had failed the box test. As she sat staring at it on the table in front of her in Bill’s den, she chuckled at her plan. The box had been described in perfect detail. It was small, yet inviting. Bill viewed himself as a real catch and an expert on women. He used all sorts of “tricks and gimmicks” to qualify a woman to be with him. He was attractive and highly successful, but totally eccentric. He made a game of testing people on their honor, values and character. MORE
To Forgive…
June 6, 2018
It was over. But Dave had known for awhile and had kept silent. Now, his best friend Carl sat across from him with his head down. He was confessing that he had been seeing Dave’s girl for the last four months. His voice quivered as he begged for forgiveness. He spoke about their friendship and how much it meant to him. MORE
The Run-In
June 1, 2018
Fran had been engaged to Chuck one year, when she ran into him with another woman, and his best friend, who were obviously on a double date. She was shocked. They were all hugged up and laughing, when she walked up on them face to face, as she and her parents were coming out of the theater. Both men stopped in their tracks, as if anticipating a scene. Fran regained her composure quickly and simply handed Chuck his ring without a word. When Chuck called after her, she kept walking. Fran smiled at him without uttering a word and got into the car with her parents. He banged on the window asking her to talk to him, but she ignored him and stared straight ahead. MORE
By Chance…
May 28, 2018
Gwen and Toby met when Toby was rushing to a meeting as usual, and accidentally bumped into Gwen on the street and knocked her bag of groceries out of her arms. Gwen’s eyes were full of tears, as she bent down to pick up her groceries and Toby stopped to help her. He thought she was crying because her groceries had spilled all over the street. Two bottles of juice had broken, and a carton of eggs lay bare and busted at her feet. MORE
When Strangers
May 23, 2018
Robin was lifting a bottle of wine off the shelf in a local wine shoppe one Saturday afternoon when the bottle suddenly slipped out of her hands and splattered to the floor. Glass and dark red wine flew everywhere and some of it landed on a tall, handsome guy who just happened to be standing three feet away. A piece of broken glass ended up cutting his arm, and as blood spurted everywhere, Robin scrambled to find tissue to serve as a temporary bandage. Staff and customers ran over quickly to aid the injured man, as Robin held onto him like an assigned nurse seemingly oblivious to the small hole in her own hand that was bleeding profusely. MORE
May 20, 2018
Larry and Susan were enjoying a lovely lunch. Susan was impressed. It was their first date, and they were exchanging witty banter laced with “getting to know you” questions and having a great time. However, the conversation took on another flavor when Susan mentioned that she was a born again Christian who didn’t believe in premarital sex. Larry, who had been obviously enchanted up to this point stopped smiling and began to interrogate Susan as if she were on trial. MORE
The Wrong
May 15, 2018
When Sandy first spotted Rob at a party, he was talking to her girlfriend, Peggy, and her heart fell in defeat. He was by far, the finest man she’d ever seen, and she was smitten almost immediately. When they made eye contact, she smiled weakly in resignation. She knew she couldn’t compete with Peggy on any level. Peggy was beautiful, smart and was always the center of male attention. MORE
May 11, 2018
Dori waited anxiously as she stared at the clock. She had called her boyfriend Steve’s phone and gotten no response. Anger and confusion pounded in her head as she redialed his number for the seventh time. As the phone rang, she hungrily anticipated the sensual hello that always succeeded in giving her goose bumps, but there was no answer.
What Goes 
Hank saw himself as a serious catch and he wasn’t shy about it. He hated the thought of going on another blind date, but he was intrigued by all he’d heard about this woman. Before, he vowed to never again subject himself to an evening of not knowing what to expect. He hated wasting time, and on the last two blind dates he pretended to be ill to cut the evening short because the women were totally undesirable. But this time his friend Sam had assured him that he would not be disappointed. “Man, if anybody gets sick, it won’t be you,” Sam said jokingly. “This woman is past fine. If I wasn’t married, I’d check her out myself.” MORE
A Fateful 
May 4, 2018
When Lynn’s boyfriend suddenly dumped her after nineteen months of intensive involvement, she turned to her grandmother for comfort. However, instead of advice, her grandmother told her that her life was about to change, and that she would meet the man of her dreams in the oddest place. MORE
A Case
Of Rage
May 1, 2018
Kim lived alone in a big house, so when her friend Bobbie asked if she could come stay with her for awhile after she lost her job, Kim quickly said yes At the time, when Bobbie moved in, Kim was engaged to Ray, and they were planning to marry in the Fall. One day, when Kim returned back early from a business trip, she was surprised to see Ray’s car parked out front, and he knew she was out of town. She became even more shocked when she walked in the door and called out his name and got no answer.
The Introduction
April 30, 2018
Tracy had gone to Karen’s party reluctantly, because she didn’t view Karen as an equal. They worked together, and Tracy had little respect for the way Karen carried herself. At the party, Tracy was bored, yet fascinated with the crowd, though she didn’t understand how Karen could attract such a group to her home. The men were obviously polished, and the women were very classy. Karen, who hadn’t had a date in awhile, had gone there to meet a man, and he couldn’t just be any man, because she was very selective. It had to be someone special and unique. She sat near the door, so she could have first pick if the right one walked in. She also ignored all gestures of interest from those who didn’t interest her. She didn’t wish to waste time on those who didn’t qualify. MORE
April 24, 2018
Jack met Beth and Kay on the same day. They were at a sports bar, and Jack was immediately attracted to Beth. He liked her big brown eyes, and sassy manner. Beth and Kay were best friends, and though Kay was instantly attracted to Jack, she didn’t feel rejected at not being chosen. For two months, Beth and Jack saw each other regularly, and often double dated with Kay and the guy she was dating.
At Last!
April 20, 2018
Barbara listened quietly as Scott explained why he couldn’t come over. He claimed that he’d had an accident and that he was in the hospital. She had painstakingly cooked a lovely meal in anticipation of his visit. She had spent money she didn’t have on an elaborate table, complete with expensive champagne, sirloin steaks and crystal wine goblets. All to impress him. She had been waiting since seven o’clock that evening for the doorbell to ring and it was nine thirty before he had finally called. As he explained what happened, she knew he was lying. With tears running down her cheeks, she asked if he wanted her to come to the hospital, and he quickly said no.
April 17, 2018
Maria had been dating Bill for awhile, but she didn’t like taking Bill around her friends because he lacked the credentials required to be in their circle. Though he was a good-looking guy, he was a mechanic and Maria was a schoolteacher. She liked Bill because he was a good companion and very dependable, but she longed for a more suitable mate– she could be proud to be with.
The Surprise
It was a Saturday night and Gina was feeling very lonely when her phone rang. She hadn’t been on a date in awhile, and she was considering going to the movies alone. The voice on the other end was deep and melodic, but he had the wrong number. When Gina hung up the phone, she wondered if he’d call back, and a minute later, he did. This time, she decided to help by asking him to repeat the number. One word led to another, and they ended up talking for over an hour. When Gina later hung up, she felt like she’d been on a mini-date. MORE
Or Fate?
April 9, 2018
Brent was having a hard time making up his mind. He was involved with two women and both were pressing for more time and more commitment. He was ready to get married, but he was having a problem choosing between the two. He was drawn to Lauren’s strong will, but they argued a lot. He hated what she liked and she found what excited him to be boring. Yet he could talk to her about anything. She was also smart and he needed someone who could help him think.
Cheryl and Mark had been involved as a couple for over three years when Mark suggested they move in together. Cheryl didn’t want to, but she felt that she would lose Mark if she refused to do as he asked. His best friend cautioned her against it, because he knew that Mark was only doing it for financial reasons. But Cheryl agreed to live with Mark because she loved him. MORE
April 1, 2018
Melanie and Dee both worked for Carl, and both had a crush on him. They spent most of their working hours competing for his attention in subtle ways, while Carl pretended not to notice. He knew they both liked him, and he was very much attracted to Dee, but he was against combining personal feelings with business. MORE
A Happy 
March 23, 2018
Debbie was sitting alone on a park bench one hot summer day crying her eyes out, because she’d had a double dose of dismay in one day. She had lost her job and found out she was pregnant on the same day. To make matters worse, her boyfriend had told her to get lost, and denied fathering the child. As she sat there feeling sorry for herself across the street from her former job, a co-worker, whom she had teased unmercifully because he stuttered, came and sat next to her. His name was Tony. Without saying a word, he simply sat and squeezed her hand in an effort to comfort her. MORE
The Ploy
March 20, 2018
The restaurant was crowded and Dee’s stomach tumbled over when she spotted Greg the manager, whose good looks were the motivation for her being there. She had noticed him before when she visited the popular restaurant, and inquired about him. She knew he was single and she was determined to meet him. She had brought her friend Kim along, but hadn’t mentioned her purpose. MORE
Switch II
March 16, 2018
Cathy met Tony at a health conference in another city, and they both were surprised to learn they were from the same town. She was immediately impressed because he was a doctor, good-looking, and charming, and seemed equally enchanted with her. They clicked and spent the whole weekend together. Cathy hoped it was a fling and looked forward to seeing him again. MORE
And The 
Winner Is…
Sam was in his usual state of boredom. He was in the mood for female company, but couldn’t make up his mind on he wanted to be with. He was currently dating three women and he felt confusion. His phone rang intermittently through the jazz sounds in the background, but he didn’t answer it. Sheryl and Anna had been calling off and on for the last hour, but he had grown tired of them. He thought about calling Stacy, but changed his mind. MORE
March 7, 2018
Amy sat in the dark of her bedroom and contemplated her choices. After careful deliberation she realized she had none. Hank had put the cards on the table. She could either go on without him or continue to see him at his leisure. The wedding was Sunday, and she knew without thinking that she would ease into the back of the church to finally get a glimpse of the woman she’d envied for the past two years. MORE
March 3, 2018
When Terry proposed to Jackie, he was sincere at the time. They had been dating for three years and she had borne him three children. Terry was a wealthy man who had amassed a fortune in various real estate ventures. At thirty-nine, he was finally ready to play the role of husband to a woman who had proven to be faithful and dedicated to him. MORE
The Talk
Kay had chosen the lively bar because she needed an up-beat noise backdrop to soften the news she had for her friend, Carla. She also had a personal need to experience a lively atmosphere. For the last few weeks, she had been experiencing an unsettling anxiousness that was inexplicable. As she waited on Carla to appear, she reflected on the length of their friendship. She had always thought of her as a fool.
The Switch
February 22, 2018
Teri had never met a guy who matched her willingness to love and she was excited. She was really enjoying dating Dave. They enjoyed the same things and he seemed to get pleasure from pleasing her. Then suddenly Dave changed. He became distant and mysteriously unavailable. “Have I messed up again?” she asked herself.
The Turnabout
Hank was a guy who saw people who skirted the truth as weak and spineless. He didn’t approve of soft-pedaling language. To him, the truth could stand on its own and therefore should be expressed regardless of the consequences. For Hank, the truth had a certain shock value and he enjoyed watching its impact on others. He would get excited at the prospect of blowing someone away with his unexpected bluntness. MORE
Gloria stared at her phone. Her mind drifted slowly to the previous evening and the man she had met at the party. He had been quiet and unassuming when he approached her in the crowd. He was gorgeous and self-assured, as he spoke tenderly in her ear, mixing wit with disarming observations. She was fascinated by his scent and his mustache. His name fit him well…Kent. The noise at the party had been deafening. But she heard every word he spoke clearly. They had exchanged numbers with promises to call, but she didn’t want to leave him. MORE
Larry put down the phone slowly as he sighed in relief. He had just broken another date with Mary and he felt awful. This was not the first time he pretended to be ill. He flinched with guilt as he recalled the disappointment in Mary’s voice. He regretted having to wait until the last minute to cancel his date with her, but Susan’s schedule prevented her from planning much in advance. She had phoned only two hours before to say that she could see him tonight and his stomach fluttered wild with excitement as he imagined the way she would walk through his door. MORE
This was their second date, and Alicia was trying her best to like Mike. She had almost given up on men altogether after the last guy she’d gone out with. She liked him, but he had promised to call the next day and she never heard from him again. On her first date with Mike, she had not been impressed after he got in the car first, and left her standing in the cold, while he reached over and unlocked her door. Then later, she was outdone when he put on his coat first and didn’t help her with hers. But though he seemed awkward and cumbersome, he seemed to genuinely like her and for her, that was refreshing. He was also kind of cute, and he had rugged arms. She loved a man who appeared strong physically. MORE
A Matter
Of Choice
Brent was having a hard time. He was entangled with two women whom he was very fond of, and both women were pressing for more time and more commitment. He was ready to get married, but he was having a problem choosing between the two. He was drawn to Lauren’s strong will, but they argued a lot. He hated what she liked and she found what excited him to be boring. Yet, he could talk to her about anything. She was also smart and he needed someone who could help him think. His family adored her, and his friends liked her. MORE
Terry was annoyed as usual. He had been waiting forty-five minutes, and he wished for the power to drive off, but he couldn’t. He was mesmerized, hooked, and all the other things his buddies said he was. He had never known a woman like Tara, and no one had ever affected him the way she did. MORE
A Change
Of Mind
The room was dark, but Tess could tell from his profile that he was not her type. Though he was standing, he appeared slouched and his glasses were thick. However, she wasn’t disappointed, because she knew before coming that her friend Maggie’s taste in men had not improved. But, she hoped for the best and decided to give her another try. The party was crowded and she had already begun to size up the other men in the room as Maggie maneuvered her over for introductions. MORE
January 22, 2018
Marcie ended the call in disgust. This was the second time in a week Hank had stood her up and the fourth time in a month. He wasn’t answering his phone, but she knew he was there. He hadn’t called all evening and he was supposed to pick her up at 8:00 to take her to dinner. She thought about what he would say when he called. He would call around 7:00 a.m. and give the excuse that he got caught up in a business meeting and got in too late to call. Though he denied it, she knew he was seeing another woman, but she couldn’t prove it. MORE
Caught In
The Act
It was loud and noisy as they pushed through the crowd. Val held tight to Don’s hand as they looked for a table. She didn’t see Johnny until she sat down. And then, there he was, out on the dance floor oblivious to her and his surroundings – enjoying himself as only Johnny could…happy, carefree and at peace with the world. At first, she was embarrassed, because she was out with another guy and had canceled their date. But as she watched him dance in his usual awkward style, she suddenly felt relieved.
Guts And 
January 11, 2018
Jan had experienced another lovely evening with a man she’d met a few weeks before. They were riding home and Jan was silent as the music provided a soothing background to her thoughts. She liked him, and she was sure he liked her. But she hoped he wasn’t seeing anyone. Her last “romance” had ended because the guy was also dating someone else, and she didn’t want to go through that again. Prior to this date, she had been too afraid to ask.
The Search
Kurt got in the car and just sat there. He put the key in the ignition, but didn’t turn it on. He was suddenly exhausted. This was his third date in three days with three different women, and he was losing his will to go on in his search. He had been waiting to meet the woman of his dreams, for so long, he had almost given up. His friends called him a perfectionist and his sisters called him ridiculous. But in his mind, he knew exactly what he was looking for and he wasn’t going to settle for less MORE
Tom pretended to be deeply engrossed in a contract on his desk. He heard the voices coming down the corridor…the usual group who passed his door with admiring glances and girlish chatter, and he want to be disturbed. He knew he was the talk of the office because he was single, attractive, and aloof. He had purposely distanced himself from his male colleagues due to the expected exchange of “company conquer” stories, which held no interest for him. He refused to mix business with the “office fun.” MORE
The Best Laid Plan
Pam knew the odds were against her. But she had made up her mind to go through with her idea anyway. She knew women her size were not in demand, but she also knew she could compete with any woman in the brains and personality departments. She had been bowling next to this guy for the last four months and he had never looked her way. From what little information she could gather, he was single, employed and available. She was so attracted to him that she had begun to dream about him and look forward to bowling night with more zeal than ever. MORE