Single Sketches
“When I Fell In Love,
I Never Expected…”
by BS Staff
Clay: “To walk down the aisle after knowing her for only three weeks.”
Laird: “That she would turn out to be such a loser.”
Crystal: “That there would be so much deceitfulness, disloyalty, agony, and lies.”
Edward: “That things would change so drastically, and that my life would change. I was amazed at how I stopped thinking about myself and started thinking about someone else all the time. I feel a lot happier, like walking on a cloud. Everything I do is better. I even work better. My outlook on life is better.”
Kari: “That it would be with him, who started out as my friend. We’re getting married next month.”
Beth: “That I’d be stuck wondering why it ended.”
Vanda: “Things to stay so sweet for so long! It’s been twelve years.”
Maurice: “Her to stop caring how she looks when she used to keep herself up. Now her hair and nails look a mess and she doesn’t seem to care about the extra pounds – even when I hint that she needs to do something about it!”
Priscilla: “That after we got married, we would stop kissing the way we used to when we were dating.”
Cathy: “Him to find his big screen television to be more exciting than me!”
Janai: “To wake up one morning to find love gone and not have a clue as to where it went.”
Karen: “To feel so much pain from the loss of it.”
Steven: “To feel a ‘rush’ every time she enters the room, or feel like things aren’t quite right unless she’s somewhere near.”
Mark: “I’d wind up falling in love with someone of another race, and then kick myself for not being able to let her know.”
Andy: “That being in love could make me feel so complete and at the same time – so vulnerable!”