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The 8 Social Habits
Of The Highly Regarded

by Lisa Laird


  1. Never accept an offer of repayment for small purchases or gas money from a passenger unless they’re broke and need it.

     2. Never invalidate another person’s feelings, no matter how crazy they think it sounds. If it is brought to their attention that they’ve offended someone, they apologize quickly.  They don’t defend themselves with accusatory language like, “You’re overly sensitive.”  They humble themselves and ask for forgiveness.

    3.  Always express their thanks by text or a note when someone goes out of their way in expressing a kind act.

    4.  Never accept an invitation to someone’s home, and show up without a gift.

    5. Never attend a birthday party and show up without a gift. This act almost guarantees that one’s presence there will be remembered in a negative way.

    6. Use discretion.  If they see or hear something they shouldn’t have…they pretend they didn’t…especially if it would embarrass the person(s) involved.

    7. Never tell someone’s secret regardless of affiliation.

    8. Have a generous spirit. If they invite someone to lunch or dinner…they pay for everything, which includes the tip.

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