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Revitalize Your Body
For Spring With
These 12 Steps

by Jovan Tahale

I know a young lawyer whose penthouse apartment should be featured in Beautiful Homes & Gardens.  It is absolutely fabulous, and she is very proud of it. Dishes go from her hands (after eating) to the dishwasher with no stopover.  Her home is so clean you could literally eat off the floor.

However, the care she gives her body is in sharp contrast to the care she gives her home.  She is so overweight, that she has trouble catching her breath when she walks.  She consumes all the unhealthy stuff in large volume and complains constantly about not feeling well.  Her daily diet gives new meaning to the term “junk food.” She ignores her body as if it has no value, yet she devotes every spare moment to the beautification of her home and car.

I don’t understand her lifestyle choices, but they are not uncommon.  Most of us take better care of our cars and homes than we do our bodies.  Are you one of the many who have yet to see your body as something to be treasured and nurtured?  Here are 12 incredible tips to get your body in the best shape ever and feel good while doing it!

  1. Do A Veggie Fix!  Do you eat fruit and vegetables at least five times a week?  If not, begin now at least three times a week.
  2. Spa Simulator: Relax in a warm bathtub of water mixed with two cups of coarse sea salt.  It will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth in a way you can’t imagine and draw impurities from your body that will leave you feeling refreshed all over.
  3. Clean Your Colon: Do you eliminate daily?  If you don’t, here’s a quick cleanser to use at the end of each week that will make you feel brand new from the inside. Drink one 12 oz. glass of prune juice followed immediately by one 6 oz. glass of apple juice.  This concoction is guaranteed to make you feel lighter in less than three hours.
  4. Rejuvenation Recipe: Do you get at least seven hours of sleep a day?  If you have problems sleeping, try Olly Immunity Sleep Vitamins and watch how rested you feel the next morning.
  5. Water Therapy: Do you drink at least 5 8 oz. cups of water a day?  If you do…Try it with a straw.  Water is a natural cleanser that washes the muck out of your body.  Try it and feel a remarkable difference.
  6. The Move Method: Do you force yourself to exercise at least three times a week?  You will feel ten times better than you feel now, and if you move up to five days, you’ll feel on top of the world. Start by walking briskly for at least ½  hr per day or evening!  Try 25 sit-ups, or ten jumping jacks in front of the mirror and use the stairs when possible.  Try this and your body will reward you with stamina, strength and a good look.
  7. Pump It Up: Could you run fast for five minutes if you had to run for your life?  If the answer is no, start lifting weights today and buy yourself a bike.  It will build up your endurance.
  8. Brush For Beauty: Do you dry-brush your skin?  This improves your blood circulation and makes your skin much softer. Follow up with a good moisturizer such as Nivea Creme.
  9. Breathe! Do you ever do deep breathing exercises?  Learn to breathe from deep down.  The oxygen helps burn fat and deep breathing cleans out toxic carbon dioxide from your blood cells.
  10. Think Healthy: Have you ever tried yoga?  Learning the discipline of yoga is life-changing and serves as a great aid to healthy living.
  11. The Big No-No! Do you eat fried foods at least twice a week?  If you do, you might as well include motor oil in your diet.  Fried foods clog up your system like a cork in a wine bottle.  Fried food should be an indulgence only.  Once a month is a good splurge.
  12. The Biggest No-No! Do you worry a lot?  Worry can be hazardous to your health on a big scale.  Feeling stressed?  Try this daily exercise.  Lie flat on the floor with your feet propped up on a wall and your arms stretched out for five minutes, and renew thyself.  Get as close to the wall as you can.

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