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Waiting To Meet
Mr. Right?
Read This!

By Cheryl Lakes        

When my friend Candy goes out for the first time with a romantic interest, she always uses the “date dialogue” as criteria for future involvement with this person.  This dialogue, she states is important because both parties have a grand interest in impressing each other and if they don’t succeed on the first time out, they’re in trouble.  “There is far too much emphasis on hormonal reaction to a person than what that person has to say,” says Candy. 

“If we paid more attention to those first encounters, we would save ourselves a lot of pain and frustration down the road.  Example: If a person spends the entire evening discussing their various dislikes, that tells you that the person is going to be hard to please.  This could also indicate that this person is very critical and would more than likely be a pain to deal with regardless of how attractive he or she is.

“If a person uses a demanding tone when speaking to the waiter or waitress when requesting service, it could indicate a certain attitude that may be hard to overcome. Therefore, it is important to listen rather than gape at that gorgeous face across the table.  It could be a smart alternative to later disappointments. “

What To Do While You Wait To Meet Mr. Right.    Studies show that single women spend far more time concentrating on “being in love” and waiting for love than men.  Anything can set us off and remind us that we have no one, i.e., weddings, christenings, dinner parties, etc.  On the other hand, guys, as a rule, fight hard to occupy their time with things that are fun and enjoyable.   The lack of romance in their lives does not dominate their thoughts, or, in those cases where it does, it’s not as apparent.

For all the women of the world who are tired and frustrated from the late arrival of Mr. Right, you must concentrate on occupying your MINDS until the “blessed” event, not just the time.  The church is good, but one’s thoughts are still exposed to the elements when it’s not occupied with activity.  Books, tennis, exercise, strength training, swimming, and volunteering are great escapes for your waiting period.  Try and discover a new world.  You’ll also expand your exposure to the many aspects of life.  If you accomplish any of this, you won’t be so uptight and desperate on your next date.  You will be relaxed and chilled, regardless of the outcome, because you already have a life.




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