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Eat All You

Want And Lose

10 lbs In A Week

by Dr. Constance Borglow

February 5, 2019

“You can eat your way, to a flat tummy and slimmer waistline in just seven days by eating FIVE MEALS a day reveals top nutritionist Judith Wills…and shed at least 10 pounds at the same time!”   Diet book author Wills, offers a diet that divides foods into three groups:  POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, and NEUTRAL.  This diet works by eating only the POSITIVE & NEUTRAL foods and avoiding the NEGATIVE ones, which will sabotage all your diet efforts.   Research reveals that positive foods attack the area where the greatest concentration of fat cells is located.  And for most people, that’s around the waist and tummy.  Challenge yourself and see if you can follow this plan for a week.  I guarantee you will feel like a different person at the end of a seven day period.  Don’t forget to push water. 8 cups a day.


You should plan your diet menus around the following lists.


lettuce   lemons  broccoli  limes   carrots  watermelon   onions  apples
celery  oranges  mushrooms bananas  peppers  cherries  peas  blueberries
corn  strawberries  okra  grapes  eggplant  asparagus  pineapple  apricots
pears   cabbage  plums  cauliflower   cantaloupe  radishes   peaches  tomatoes
wheat  spinach  boiled corn  baked potatoes  almonds  yogurt

chicken  turkey   lamb   shrimp  lobster  crabmeat  tuna  flounder  cod  salmon
sardines  swordfish  lean beef  eggs

potato chips  waffles  corn chips  peanuts  pretzels  french fries  bacon  pastries
ham  danishes  bagels salad dressings  regular mayo   sausages  butter  cold cuts
cakes  spaghetti  candy  macaroni  sodas  sugar  cheese  maple syrup  chocolate  beer  cookies  wine  doughnuts  liquor  cream  ice cream  avocados  jams  jellies pancakes

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