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by Sarah Smart

Q. A year ago, my fiancé called at 3:00 in the morning and stated he was calling off the wedding, which was the next day because he wasn’t ready to be married.  Later, I found out that an ex-girlfriend was with him at the time and that he had called at her insistence. I’m still angry. Last week I heard he was planning to marry this same woman next month and I want to show up at the wedding for the sole purpose of watching him squirm.   As I think about the pleasure I would receive from watching him sweat, it helps to heal the gaping hole he left in my life.  My sisters think I’m crazy and that the only thing my showing up will do is make me look weak and still stuck on him.  Do you agree?

A. I do.  You need to move on with your life and be glad that you got out before the real catastrophe.  Just imagine if he decided to pull out the day after you married him. Get over your anger and be happy that you didn’t get stuck with a jerk. 

Q. I had an experience recently that has made me somewhat gun shy about dating.  I was divorced recently and my first date after my divorce was a real loo-loo.  I’ve heard men say they’d rather not date women with children and now I understand why. After a nice evening which included an intimate dinner, my date informed me that I owed her $50.00 for her babysitter.  And when my face registered complete shock, she informed me that it was customary for her date to pay for her babysitter.  I had never heard of anything so ridiculous and I refused to pay.  After a lengthy discussion that turned into an ugly scene with her calling me cheap, I left her sitting in the restaurant, and haven’t seen her since. All of my female friends think I should have given it to her. What do you say?

A. I also think you did the right thing.  She should have asked you in advance if you would mind paying her babysitting fees – which I would hope would be due to a shortage of cash.  It was a tactless act and I hope it does not succeed in tainting your dating perspective.  Try again and don’t let this one incident prejudice you against women with children.

Got a problem or a confession?  We’ve got the answer.  Send us your scenarios regarding The Single Life to beingsinglemagazine@gmail.com and put SingleScenes in the subject line.

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