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by Sarah Smart

Q.  My “sexy” neighbor flirts openly with my boyfriend whenever she sees us together.  We live on the same floor in a high rise building.  When she flirts, he just stands there and grins with a stupid flattered look on his face.  The other day, when he came to pick me up, he was standing in the lobby talking to her grinning up a storm. When I approached, they stopped talking and I saw her slip him her card. When we got outside and I asked him about it, he denied that she had given him a card.  I was so angry with him that I refused to go out with him, and I have refused to talk to him since.  My sister says I behaved like a child.  What do you think?

A. I think your boyfriend is obviously not the brightest guy on the block.  I think you behaved like a woman who wants a man to respect her, and not be so flattered by attention from another woman.  I would delete his number out of my phone for lying about the card.

Q.   My sister and I are very close, but I know something about her boyfriend that I know would affect our relationship if I told her.  He is stealing her blind, and because she keeps a house full of company, she is accusing everyone, but him.  I watched him one day go into her purse and steal some money, and when she discovered it the next day, she accused everyone but him.  Some years ago, her then boyfriend was molesting her eleven year-year old daughter, and when she told her mother, she beat her for lying.  She’s one of those women who won’t hear the truth about her man.  What would you do?

A.   Let her find out on her own.  Why create a problem for yourself?  Based on your experience with her, I would leave her to her own judgment.

Got a problem or a confession?  We’ve got the answer.  Send us your scenarios regarding The Single Life to beingsinglemagazine@gmail.com and put SingleScenes in the subject line.

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