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The Case

Of The Box

June 11, 2018

Robin had heard about the box.  Her friend Sandra knew a girl whom Bill had dated before and she had failed the box test.  As she sat staring at it on the table in front of her in Bill’s den, she chuckled at her plan.  The box had been described in perfect detail.  It was small, yet inviting.  Bill viewed himself as a real catch and an expert on women.  He used all sorts of “tricks and gimmicks” to qualify a woman to be with him.   He was attractive and highly successful, but totally eccentric.  He made a game of testing people on their honor, values and character.

This night was no different.  This was their fourth date and Robin was prepared.  The box was a very expensive looking ring box trimmed of gold, which had been placed strategically, so she couldn’t miss it when she sat down.  When Bill made some excuse to leave the room, Robin opened it and smiled.  A note on pink paper was folded neatly inside.  It read, “You have just broken House Rule #1, you must mind your own business! ” Bill felt that when a man left a woman alone for a brief moment in his house, that her curiosity would reach its peak, and he had yet to meet a woman who passed the “box test.”  Each one had been caught in the act of snooping (as he called it) and was quickly dismissed as an unqualified candidate for his affection.

In each instance, when the date of the moment fumbled to replace the note in the box, it was rigged to start ringing and Bill would come out from wherever in mock alarm.  However, this night would be different.  When Bill left the room, Robin quickly grabbed the box, and replaced it with a note sealed in an envelope. She grabbed her coat and quietly slipped out the door.

Bill stood in the kitchen patiently waiting on the familiar sound.  Finally, puzzled, he stepped into the room, and was shocked to find that Robin had gone.  He noticed immediately that the box was missing and he lunged for the envelope lying in its place.  He breathed hard in frustration, as he tore it open to read its content.  It was also on pink paper.  It read, “Robin Rule #2:  Never assume that all mice will play when the cat’s away.  Some of us have better things to do.”

As he refolded the note, he began to smile slowly.  He was perplexed, yet excited.  It had been a long time since he had been outwitted and he was surprisingly pleased.  The next day, he sent Robin a dozen of roses, a sapphire necklace, and a note inviting her to meet him for dinner.  She refused the invitation and eventually blocked his number in her phone..


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