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The Dating Chronicles

The Knock At The Door

 Jan stared out the tall hotel window as she contemplated her life.  Her best friend Kim was getting married again and as usual, Jan was along for the ride.  Since the age of nine, Jan had been by the side of her best friend on all of her love adventures and had experienced a few of her own.    Now, Kim was getting married to a doctor from a wealthy family, and the engagement party that evening was only the beginning of the hoopla to come.

To Jan, it seemed she was always peeking through the window of Kim’s life with her nose pressed hard against the glass, in silent envy of what she saw.  Kim was beautiful.  Jan was not.  Kim was popular with many friends.  Jan had few.  Kim had never been without a man.  Jan had never been in a real relationship.  Her life consisted of sporadic dates here and there.

 As she brushed her long hair, which she always wore in a tight bun behind her head, she strategized about making the evening short by making an appearance at the party only by arriving late and leaving early.  She looked around the room at the various dresses she had brought that lay crumpled from being tried on.  She had given up because she couldn’t find one that would transform her from plain to beautiful.

Suddenly, she broke into tears, at the prospect of another evening, wrought with hopeful anticipation of being noticed that she knew would end in despair.  A knock at the door interrupted her mood.  She dried her tears and moved to open it. She figured it was Kim wanting to show off her dress.  She flung the door open wide, as she put on her best happy face.  She was startled…but only for a moment.  It was not Kim.  It was Kim’s handsome brother Todd.

Todd was shocked.  He had never seen Jan with her hair down.  He was so stunned, he couldn’t speak.  He was disoriented by the way Jan looked.  For the first time, since he’d known her, she looked like a woman standing barefoot in front of him.

“What’s up, Todd?” she asked without looking at him.  She was embarrassed. She felt naked without her glasses on “I thought you were Kim. I was expecting her.”  She was so nervous, she was stammering.  She had been in love with Todd since high school and he had never looked twice in her direction.

Todd began to stammer.  “Uh…I was looking for my sister to show her something.” He was staring at her as if he’d never seen her before.  “I didn’t know your hair was so long, and as long as I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you without your glasses.  Is that the dress you’re wearing tonight?  I hope so.  You look beautiful!”

 Jan turned to look at him.  She was shocked.  He had never paid her a compliment before, and he was looking at her strangely.  The butterflies that usually jumped in her stomach when he came around were now having a field day.  His stare made her feel warm and soft inside.  She stared back as if drawn magnetically by an invisible beam that held her bound.  No words passed as they stood there in bondage to each other’s thoughts. 

For the first time, he saw the love in her eyes. Awkwardly, he broke the silence.  “I didn’t know you were so pretty.” 

She swallowed hard as she broke her stare.  “Neither did I.” 

“Make sure I get the first dance tonight!”  he said with a chuckle as he backed toward the door. 

She laughed.  “You can have all the dances tonight after giving me that beautiful compliment!”

When he reached the door, he lingered.  “There’s more to come if you continue to look like that,” he said with a big grin. 

When the door closed, Jan pinched herself as she began to suddenly anticipate the party after all.  She decided to wear the dress he suggested. 

A year later, after Todd proposed, she held her own engagement party at the same hotel.


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