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Chosen – When

It’s Not You…

by Makayla Cole

I was having dinner with some friends when suddenly I was overcome by an uncontrollable flood of tears.  My tears were attributed to a recent breakup with a live-in boyfriend, who announced to me on my birthday that he was moving out and marrying another woman.  After I saw a photo of her, I couldn’t understand why he changed his mind about never marrying.

She was the exact opposite of me physically.  For starters, she was overweight and I was physically fit.  Through my sobs, I kept repeating the question, “What did she have that I didn’t?”  It turns out that it’s an age-old question that spurned women have been asking for centuries…Here are more women who suffered what I call “The Baffled Blues” when their relationships ended abruptly for no apparent reason..

Kay:  “I didn’t shower for a week when my husband moved out on Christmas Eve and moved into my neighbor’s home down the street.  She was a single mother with two teenage boys.  I wore myself out with grief trying to figure out where I failed and how she succeeded.  I finally got some mental relief, when I realized that I didn’t lose my man…I gained my peace because he was unhappy and so was I”

Kerry:  “Most women are stuck in the belief that when a man leaves them for the arms of another something must be wrong with her.  I’ve been there…done that, and I was delivered out of agony when I realized that when my guy left me for another it didn’t make me less than her. It made me luckier because he was abusive.”

Chloe:  “My boyfriend of two years stood me up on what was supposed to be “a getaway weekend” and eloped to Las Vegas with an ex-girlfriend. I felt suicidal trying to figure out why he chose to be with her instead of me.  I had exerted much effort to win his heart and he didn’t appreciate it.”

Beth:  “I come from the other side of the table.  When my husband left his wife for me, I considered myself to be a better woman.  I also felt like the winner.  I had struggled with him for a long time while he was married, and I felt he owed me.  But when he left me several months after we got married and went back to his ex-wife, I felt it was payback because of my actions.”

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