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The Dating Chronicles – The Talk

Kay had chosen the lively cafe because she needed an upbeat atmosphere to soften the news she had for her best friend, Carla.  She also had a personal need to be out in a fun environment.  However, she was somewhat distracted by a nervous stomach. For the last few weeks, she had been experiencing an unsettling anxiousness regarding her own relationship with her boyfriend Steve that was inexplicable.

As she waited on Carla to appear, she reflected on the length of their friendship.  She had always thought of her as a fool, whose life meticulously hung on the comings and goings of a guy who was indeed too much for one woman.  She had known Jake since college and he had always been a player.  She had tried to warn Carla from the beginning when they first met, but she had refused to listen. 

He is nothing like my Steve, Kay thought to herself.  However, Carla prevailed in the relationship,  in spite of Kay’s warnings, saying she loved and understood Jake.  That is, until now, Kay thought to herself, as she grunted out loud in victorious knowledge.  She had the goods on Jake at last, and she recognized her responsibility to let Carla know.

She had discovered by accident that Jake had been seeing another woman for the past two years and the woman was now pregnant. She had gotten the news from a reliable source.  As she watched the door open and close, waiting on Carla to enter, her heart suddenly lurched as she saw her beloved Steve standing in the doorway. 

Her breathing quickened as she rose to make her presence known but she stopped abruptly when she saw he was with another woman and there was no room for misinterpretation.  He was looking at her as if she represented the finest in womanhood and there was no mistaking the love in his eyes. 

She slumped back in her seat, in a daze when she saw that the woman was pregnant.  Time stopped and suddenly a hand touched her shoulder.  It was Carla spewing apologies for being late.

Kay couldn’t speak. Tears spurted uncontrollably down her cheeks.  But Carla didn’t notice.  She was busy chattering happily about Jake’s sudden marriage proposal while extending her hand to show Kay her engagement ring.

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