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The Singles Scene

by Sarah Smart

Q.  I have been seeing this guy for over four months and he’s been pressing me to let him move in with me.  He promises we’ll be married within a year, but somehow I don’t trust that he means it.  He keeps implying he doesn’t feel my love because I won’t let him move in and that maybe we should go our separate ways.  I do love him and I don’t want to lose him, but I’m not ready to live with him without being married.  What would you do?

A.  I wouldn’t let him move in until after the ceremony and we shared the same last name.  Sounds like you are about to be played.  Stand your ground and follow your instincts…they’re rarely wrong

Q.  I recently met a guy online who lives in another state, and we’ve been corresponding via email for the past three months.  Now, he wants to come here and stay with me during his visit.  We’ve really bonded over the phone, and we both believe we’ve fallen in love, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for him to expect to stay with me.  I think he should go to a hotel, but he’s being insistent about staying here.  What would you do?

A.  I would tell him he has to stay at a hotel, and refuse to open my home to him.  Personally, I would be leery of a guy who insisted on staying with someone he’s never met, and who falls “in love” so easily with someone he’s never seen.

Got a problem or a confession?  We’ve got the answer.  Send us your scenarios regarding The Single Life to beingsinglemagazine@gmail.com and put SingleScenes in the subject line.

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