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From The Male Room
The Tale Of
Two Women

by Dakota E. Lee

I think I need to shed some light on why a man may have another woman in addition to his wife or girlfriend.  This other woman is commonly referred to as “Number Two.”

Most men never mean to have a Number Two.  Their desire to be with someone new and to feel the touch and warmth of another woman, however, often leads to the affair with Number Two.  A man can love his Number One, but also care very deeply for his Number Two.  In some cases, men love their Number Two more than their Number One.  To understand this you must know the dynamics surrounding Number Two.

A man’s Number Two looks good every time he sees her, she’s always in a good mood, and she doesn’t allow him to see her flaws.  With Number One, a man sees the good, the bad, and the ugly because he spends much more time with her.  The situation with Number Two is unrealistic.  Still, every time a man’s Number One upsets or angers him, he heads straight to Number Two, who listens to him, agrees with him, and has passionate sex with him.

Plenty of women are willing to be Number Two because they don’t believe they can be Number One.  They either want a sexual relationship without commitment, or they believe they’ll win the man’s heart in the end.  Number Two is usually all of the things that Number One isn’t physically, she’s a freak in bed, she treats the man like a king outside of the bedroom, and, most importantly, she lets him vent about Number One.  Most men with Number Twos will tell you that they communicate more frequently and honestly with their Number Twos.

A Number Two understands that men don’t like to argue and aspire to have very simple lives.  She’s usually the aggressor in developing a relationship with the attached man.  She’s probably been in this role before and deep down, her ultimate goal may be to take the man from his Number One.  A man enjoys the excitement and spontaneity of being with Number Two, but sooner or later he knows that Number Two will start to develop feelings for him and will want him to choose between her and Number One.

Men are visually stimulated.  The more a man is with a woman, the more he gets used to her beauty and the more he needs her to repackage herself.  If you continue to repackage yourself and create newness, your man probably won’t look for sexual pleasures outside of your relationship – he won’t open the door for Number Two.

Very rarely will a man leave his Number One to be with Number Two, but sometimes Number Two can hang around for years, or worse, life.  Communicate with your man and don’t blame yourself for his cheating ways.  Men are challenging because they tend to be the first to get bored with relationships, but are the last to address it.  Most men will always look at other women.  The key is to make sure your man only looks.


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