Happiness Is…
Consider These 5 Choices
by C.C. Manning
If you were to conduct an inventory of your life today, what would it reveal? Are you stuck in a rut? Broke? Going through each day on “automatic pilot” without focus? Overworked and undervalued? Looking for love in all the wrong places? If so, it’s undoubtedly the result of erring in these 5 make or break areas. Think about this…
Who You Love – The Bible cautions us to “guard our hearts,” and with good reason. Romantic relationships are the core of our being. Who we decide to love can affect everything from our self-image to inner peace, to work productivity… to health. The qualities we seek in a mate should be no different than those we desire in a friend. Though we can’t always completely govern who we end up “falling for” being smart in whom we choose to allow in our association and in our life’s arena gives us a more quality pool to choose from. Take your time and look hard before you leap.
How Much You Owe – Few folks realize that debt impacts the quality of life like nothing else. It’s almost impossible to flourish in other areas of life if you’re mired down in excessive debt, living from paycheck to paycheck, juggling finances, dodging bill collectors, remaining in a job you hate and stressing out! I know, because I’ve been there…and vow never to go back. Thomas Fuller summed it up best when he stated that debt is worse than poverty. Smart spending requires goal setting, discipline, and a disregard for “keeping up with the Joneses”. If you’re in over your head, consider contacting the Consumer Credit Counseling Agency in your area or a reputable financial advisor to assist you in making informed decisions. Many churches and not for profit agencies offer free debt management counseling as well.
What You Eat – It’s true. In essence, you are what you eat. In my unenlightened days, I devoured whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I foolishly believed that because I was not suffering from obesity that I was healthy. However, good health is determined by much more than pounds and body mass index. I couldn’t run for the bus in the morning without heavy panting, suffered from migraines, and experienced other ailments that I have since learned was the result of poor food choices. Improper food consumption is linked to everything from clogged arteries, to colon disorders…to obesity.
Where You Live— Much more than bricks and mortar, where you reside should be your sanctuary. Your castle. I was blessed some years ago to purchase a home in an area I love. It’s abundant in local conveniences and aesthetically pleasing. Though many things have changed in my life over the last decade, my residence has been a comforting constant. Give where you choose to stay as much emphasis as your life’s vocation. If you’re in the process of looking for an apartment, condo, or home, ask friends and relatives for input, check out rental guides in your area, and when the weather permits, tour neighborhoods on foot. Be sure to take into consideration the upkeep, amenities, and demeanor of residents.
How You Spend Your Time— Does the thought of reporting to work each day fill you with anxiety or joy? If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably spend your time toiling at a job that leaves you frazzled and unfulfilled at day’s end. However, it doesn’t have to be. What ignites your soul? What line of work are you best suited for? If you don’t know the answers to these crucial questions, take a career assessment survey, or consult a career counselor. And join the ranks of those of us so tremendously blessed we can’t wait to start each day!