10 Ways To Win In The Game Of Life
by Bonita Bennett
In order to win in the game of life, we have to first change our thought life and our minds about who we are and imagine ourselves as who we want to be and begin working on it. Here are some more ways to do it:
Seek the best for yourself, by accepting only the best and begin with the understanding that there is a Divine Design for your life, and you must seek God and trust Him to show you. Most of us function in complete ignorance of our true destinies and strive hard for things and people who don’t belong in our realm. This action usually brings about failure and dissatisfaction once attained because it was not in line with the divine purpose in the first place. In other words, having it your way is not always the best way.
In the game of life, it’s important to see clearly one’s good and obliterate all mental pictures of bad. You must see good in your life and good in others, and it will manifest vividly. You must also let the past be the past.
You are what you think. Words and thoughts are a tremendous force in our lives. They are the molders of our affairs. Bring your thoughts under control, and strive for peace of mind in all situations, and steer clear of people who are not in harmony with you, or your agenda.
Know that you can have what you want if it’s a righteous desire…up to and including a soul mate. Read Psalm 37:4 in the Bible. “Delight Yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” When you want something, think about it. Would God want you to have it?
Believe in who you pray to. If you pray for success and prepare for failure, you will get the situation you prepared for. Think about it. Can God really do what you want? Too many of us walk by sight and are stumbled by what we’re looking at. Faith is believing in the invisible.
See yourself as God’s special creation, and believe it. Remember, others always follow our lead in seeing us the way we see ourselves. If you want respect, command it by projecting through word and action the value you place on your being…and don’t forget to give respect. What you receive is a direct result of what you put out.
Associate closely with like minds only. If you know that you’re associating closely with someone who’s not on the same page as you, turn the page and close the book. Start a new chapter in your life and don’t be afraid to.
Know that everyone cannot like you in the way you wish to be liked, and it is not an invalidation of your uniqueness. It is simply not destiny’s choice. Know that also God will hold no good thing from you.
Remember most of all, it’s okay to fall down, make a mistake, or miss the mark, as long as you get back up and try again. All the great ones live by this rule.
Bonita Bennett, founder, publisher Of Being Single Magazine and a former TV/radio personality, is the author of the books “How To Catch & Keep The Man Of Your Dreams,” and The Coming Of Dawn. She is also a nationally recognized life coach/relationship expert and noted motivational speaker, whose life-changing counseling techniques, classes and innovative workshops on life-skills, inter-personal relationships, conflict management, and problem- solving are well-known in her field. Bonita Bennett is also the editor-in-chief of Being Single Magazine. Be sure to get your copy of her two books…Meanwhile, read the excerpts from the mystery novel…The Coming Of Dawn and How To Catch & Keep The Man Of Your Dreams