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Bonita’s Blog

The 12 Steps To Contentment

by Bonita Bennett

  • Create a self-image of a real man/woman and what he/she should be about and try to bring it into manifestation daily. Be someone to look up to.
  • Don’t think ordinary. Take a pass sometimes on what makes no sense to you.   Practice thinking out of the box.  Never go along to get along. 
  • Become less hung up on exposing yourself emotionally to someone you really care about and less accommodating to someone you don’t.
  • Make it a practice, to tell the truth, no matter what it might cost.
  • Don’t use anyone, unless you’re prepared to be used. You get what you give.
  • Make it known that you submit your decisions to a Higher Power.
  • Confess only what needs to be confessed. Never tell it all.
  • Don’t spend ridiculous amounts of money on designer labels to enhance your image to others. No one really cares.  Your spirit is what others remember most…not what you wear.
  • Don’t tell anyone something you really don’t want them to know. If you can’t think of an answer to their question, ignore the question.
  • Don’t cry more than once over the same problem to anyone.
  • Only give your trust to one who has proven to be trustworthy.
  • Speak up when you need to and use silence as a non-verbal ally.







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