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Single Sketches


  • Gabby: “I recently experienced the callousness of two men who separately spurned my love and devotion for the flailing arms of another woman. One ended our relationship by leaving a message on my voicemail, and the other sent me a text.”
  • Larry: “I wish I had the guts to say the following to a woman when I am no longer interested – ‘If I used to call all the time and I stop, it simply means that I don’t feel the same way anymore.  I hate these long drawn-out discussions about why I don’t seem to care anymore.  I just wish you could read the signs use some pride and move on quietly without having to receive a legal notification that it’s no longer working.  It is draining and taxing to explain why I don’t care anymore.  Now, may I hang up?”

  • Paul: “I earn a good salary.  I have never been married and I would like to be.  Unfortunately, most women I meet are not looking my way, because I lack the flair of the drama brother.  I am a gentleman who respects women, but I get a few points for this.  I go to church every Sunday, but I am ignored because I don’t wear expensive suits or drive a fancy car.  I think many women don’t realize that there are a lot of wonderful guys out here who are being ignored or disregarded because of a superficial assessment by women who are just as lonely, but looking for the glamour package.”

  • Cheyenne: “My boyfriend told me one Sunday afternoon after a beautiful stroll in the park, that if he decided to marry, it would be me because he loved me like he had never loved another.  Four days later, I pulled up next to him at a stoplight with another woman in the car snuggled up under him.  When I confronted him later, he confessed after several hours of lying that he loved both of us equally, but for different reasons.  He said he was in a quandary about which of us he should marry.  I withdrew from the ‘competition’ immediately.”

  • Latanya: “My fiancé` stood me up at the altar last year, because he said he still loved an ex-wife.  I had to take a sedative to stop crying.  The next day, he apologized, changed his mind again, and we were married in a private ceremony at the church.  Two months later, he left me and moved in with the ex-wife.” 

  • Ingrid: “I loved him up to the moment he told me that I would have to put my son in boarding school in another state if we got married.”

  • Sybil:  “I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him when my ten-month-old niece spit up all over his designer suit, and he didn’t flinch.”


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