Single Sketches
Candid Conversations
Julia: “I no longer go out with girlfriends who are ready to go when I’m having fun, and are immovable when I’m not and they are.”
Gabe: “A woman at work asked me out to help celebrate her birthday. She picked me up in a limo, massaged my feet in the back seat before we got to the restaurant, and picked up the tab. If this is the new dating trend, I’m loving it.”
Mari: “On my first date with a really handsome brother, he asked me to pick him up because his car was in the shop, pay the check because he left his wallet at home, and then let him spend the night so I could drive him to pick up his car the next day. I left him at the restaurant.”
Terry: “You can always gauge a woman’s interest in you by her girlfriends’ reaction when you meet them for the first time. If they’ve never heard of you, she ain’t interested!”
Maisie: “I once went out with a guy who didn’t like the dress I was wearing, and he took me to the store and bought one he liked. It was beautiful and expensive, and I felt like Julia Roberts in the movie, Pretty Woman.”
Cedric: “I am immediately attracted to a woman who can look me dead in the eye when she’s talking to me. It shows a self-assuredness that turns me on.”
Ivory: “I like men who like me and it’s plain. I don’t like guessing. I ain’t trying to be attached to someone whose feelings I’ve got to figure out.”
Nathan: “On the way home one night from a lousy blind date, my car suddenly stopped, and my date got out, told me to pop the hood, and succeeded in fixing the trouble. I was so impressed that I decided to take her out again. This decision was far different from the one I made when I left the restaurant. She had talked so much about her child that I was bored out of my mind, and I’d made up my mind that this was her last outing. Nine months later, I married her.”
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