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How Bright Is Your Light?

by Bonita Bennett

I was intrigued recently when a friend mentioned with excitement in her voice that she had met a tall, handsome doctor at a party who claimed to know me.  However, when she mentioned his name, I was no longer intrigued. The reason for the sudden change in my attitude was due to his reputation for behaving badly with women. In other words, he didn’t have a good name.

Once I tried to introduce a lonesome gorgeous friend to a handsome business associate, and she was looking forward to the introduction.  That is until I mentioned his name.  Her grin was instantly replaced with a frown, as she described a previous unsavory date encounter with him that she would never forget.  I was shocked, because I knew him to be the epitome of gentleman-like behavior, and I would have never imagined him to be anything less.

Later, when I mentioned her reaction to a mutual friend, she related a similar experience with him several years before, where she ended up filing a police report.   She referred to him as a “horror date.”  Unfortunately, this guy probably had no idea he had developed such a sleazy reputation.  Most people seldom consider the smallness of this world we live in, and/or the arrows or stars that are automatically attached to our names based on our actions.

If you sometimes wonder why Favor seems to elude you, or you don’t get the respect you feel you deserve, it could be that maybe you’re not working hard enough to have stars associated with your name. Those who do are usually genuine in word and deed.

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