Single Scenarios
Mad Moments
Karmela-28: “I was on a blind date with a guy I met online who seemed to be struggling to converse after we initially met and sat at the bar. The place was crowded and loud and I thought he couldn’t hear me well. He would stare at me, and then abruptly look away. When I attempted conversation, he would mumble a response with his head turned in another direction. When I asked if anything was wrong, he explained slowly that I looked much smaller in my photos. He gave me a weak smile and apologized for being so blunt. I excused myself without responding and left.”
Ryan-30: “I was having dinner with a new date in a very upscale restaurant when a bitter ex-girlfriend walked up and began telling my date about my “preference” for exotic sexual positions and warned that she’d better beef up whatever exercise program she was on to keep up. I was so angry, that I grabbed her around the neck before I knew it. The manager called the police, and we were asked to leave the restaurant. I didn’t follow up with my date after that because I was too embarrassed..”
Marva-32: “I had been on a whirlwind dating a wonderful guy for only three weeks when he asked me to accompany him to the zoo on a lovely Sunday afternoon. When we stopped in front of a pond where two beautiful Flamingo birds were sipping water, he pulled out a ring and asked me to marry him. I said yes without giving it a thought, and dropped everything in my busy life to be with him. We eloped to Puerto Rico the next week, and we’re still happy and in love two years later.”
Laurie-29: “I got stood up one night at a popular sports bar where I was supposed to meet a guy I’d been dating awhile. I sat there waiting for him an hour longer than I would have because it was raining very hard outside. While I was sitting at the bar, I noticed a very striking guy who also appeared to be waiting for someone, and it seemed he had been there when I arrived. Just as I decided to leave, he sent me a drink. I nodded my thanks and invited him to join me. It turned out that he had been stood up as well, and we ended up spending the evening together and having a great time. We began dating and six months later, we were married. We’re convinced that Fate had a hand in our meeting.”