by Sarah Smart
Q. I need you to settle a debate. My girlfriend and I are planning to marry, and she feels that my parents should help split the wedding costs. However, this big wedding (300 people) is not something I’m in favor of, and neither are my parents. I think she and her parents should foot the bill since it’s their idea. What do you think?
A. I agree with you. I think you two should elope. A big wedding should be an agreement between the bride and the groom. If she insists on an expensive wedding against your wishes, she should pay the cost to be the boss.
Q. I am engaged to a man whose feelings I’m not sure of. I know he does not love me the way I love him, but I’ve never been married and I’m ready to have children. The problem is that he refuses to sign a prenuptial agreement which states that if our marriage ended, he would not get any of my money. He says, he is offended by the agreement and claims it’s an affront to his manhood. I really want to get married and have children, but I’m reluctant to marry a man who won’t sign a prenup because I own property. What would you do?
A. I wouldn’t get married if I were you. You are marrying for the wrong reasons anyway. Knowing in advance that you’re marrying a man who might not feel what you feel can’t be brushed aside. I also think that if you have more than your fiancé, you should insist on a prenuptial agreement.
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