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Sisters When

We Cry…

by Joy Sinclair

January 21, 2019

“There is no blood between us, no common family history.  We just speak the same language, and with her I am free.  How generous is God that He has made a friend just for me.”

Kirby and I had been friends a long time and we had been through a lot together.  But as I sat in the hospital waiting room awaiting the birth of her first child, I thought of all the anguished moments we had spent worrying if and when this wondrous day would come for either of us..

As I reflected on our past, I cried in memory of her happiness on her wedding day.   A day long waited for by Kirby and I.  We were both 30 and ensconced in careers that brought us mediocre satisfaction, because of our personal pre-occupation with wanting a husband and a family.

But we had each other and we relished in our friendship, which compensated most of the time for the emptiness felt down deep in our souls, for a man of our own.

We’d get excited when one or the other met someone new and moan jointly when it didn’t work out.

We shared our dreams, our fears and our anxieties, but mot importantly, we shared our love.

We sought happiness for each other continuously.

Kirby was always introducing me to someone whom she thought was “just my type” and I would do likewise, to no avail.

But we knew eventually our time would come and we waited together, sharing love, laughter and hope…and it did come.

In the spring, when the wind becomes soft and the sun peeks out more…it came.

First for Kirby, then for me and we basked happily in the prospect of marriage to the men of our dreams.

And it came upon us in the fall, first for Kirby and then for me.

And we hung close with our anticipations, our questions and our fears.

We discussed it all – sex, independence, money, flaws…we discussed it all!

And as our friendship helped sustain our ignorance of living closely with another, we were “supports” for one another on cloudy days and cheerleaders on the bright ones.  Now Kirby’s having her first baby…First her, then me…(I’m due in a couple of months)

Now, we wait and hope and pray for our friend, Jane…For it’s her turn now!  First us…then her.


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