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The Dating Chronicles

Greg worked with Meri and had a deep admiration for her style and the way she handled people.  She was easygoing and had a great laugh.  Greg was quiet, reserved, and introverted, while Meri was outgoing and open.  Everyone in the office was aware that Meri secretly admired Greg and struggled to find a way to ask him out. 

Finally, one day, she got up the courage and decided to ask Greg to escort her to her girlfriend’s upcoming wedding.  But Greg quickly said no, because he didn’t consider Meri his type.  His answer was so abrupt, that it left Meri feeling angry and rejected.  She stopped talking to him and began to ignore him as if he wasn’t there.  She’d had a crush on him a long time, and had wrongly assumed that he liked her as well, but was too shy to say.

However, when Meri began avoiding Greg, he couldn’t stand it.  Suddenly, he became distracted and began to make a lot of errors at work.  He struggled to apologize to her, but he couldn’t find the words.  Then one day, Meri became very ill and had to be rushed to the hospital.  Greg took her because he was the only one there with a car.  On the way there, he suddenly realized that he cared more for her than he realized, and he asked her to forgive him.   She did.  And when she got out of the hospital, he was standing outside holding balloons and flowers with two tickets to a Broadway show. They began dating and married a year later.


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