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From “The Foolery Files”

The Things We Do…

  • Carli: “In college, I dated and fell under the spell of the most popular guy on campus.  He had big brown eyes that pierced my soul every time he looked at me.  My dorm room was filled with wedding books with glorious gowns that I saw myself wearing, as I anticipated being chosen as his bride.  However, on his graduation night, he informed me after I caught him in the arms of another woman, that he had secretly gotten married the weekend before.  He left on his honeymoon the next day.  I was devastated until he called me while on his honeymoon and said he still loved me and wanted to see me when he returned.  Pacified, I rationalized that he had just made a mistake in getting married, and was confused about his feelings.  The honeymoon call was the trick that kept me bound to him for at least two more years until I finally came to my senses. I broke up with him after I shot up all his tires on his new truck. “


  • Toni gave in to her suspicions one night and followed her boyfriend’s car from a local bar. When he pulled in front of a strange house and went inside, she parked and waited for him to come out.  She suspected that he was visiting another woman, and planned to confront him when he exited.  However, he was in there so long she fell asleep.  When she woke up, it was daybreak and two policemen were standing outside her car.  They told her that someone had called and reported her creating a disturbance.  Her boyfriend’s car was gone.  The next day, he broke up with her. She began stalking him and didn’t stop until he had her arrested.


  • Angie had keys to her boyfriend’s car. So, when she spotted it one night accidentally on an unfamiliar street, she became suspicious.  She assumed that he was up to mischief because she hadn’t been able to reach him all day.  Therefore, she decided to fix him by moving his car four blocks away.  She was totally embarrassed when she learned the next day that he was at the home of his uncle who was very ill.  It turned out that he reported his car stolen when he stepped outside to take his uncle to the hospital, and the car was gone. Later, when she confessed what she had done, he took his keys back and never dialed her number again.


  • Suzanne went to a party with a date, who told her an hour after arriving that he had to leave suddenly to take a sick friend home and he would be back. The sick friend was a woman she’d seen him talking to earlier.  After he left, she sat waiting for him long after the party ended, though she heard the woman was an ex-girlfriend.  Eventually, she called a taxi and went home.  The next day, he called her and said he’d gotten stuck at the hospital and his phone was dead.  She believed him and made another date to see him again. But he didn’t show up or ever call again.


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